Examples of Non-Financial Transactions in a sentence
Non-Financial Transactions do not require a Token Device or SMS Token unless resetting the Password, changing the mobile phone number and e-mail address and other Non- Financial Transactions that will be notified to the customer through the communication media available at the Bank.
The implementation of Non-Financial Transactions by the Bank continues to pay attention to the provisions of applicable laws and regulations.
Internet Banking: means a secured Internet based electronic service offered by the Bank which enables the Customer to connect with the Bank via the Internet to undertake Financial Transactions and Non-Financial Transactions with the Bank from remote locations.
Card Transactions: means any Financial or Non-Financial Transactions by using the Card with or without use of the PIN or Signature, regardless of any slip or other voucher signed by the Cardholder(s).
The Customer/Authorized User irrevocably authorises the Bank to accept and act upon all Instructions for Financial Transactions and Non-Financial Transactions provided via the Digital Banking Services by the Customer/Authorised User.
Non-Financial Transactions Folio number Scheme Name - Plan and Option ARN code wherever applicable Details of the non-financial transaction request 4.
Request for Non-Financial Transactions such as change in address, change in bank mandate etc will have to be submitted to Investor Services Centres of ABSLAMC/Registrar in case of units held in physical form.However for units held under demat mode, such requests may be submitted to the respective Depository Participants.
Non-Financial Transactions (specified below)Relevant duly signed supporting documents (scanned copy) with explicit instruction should be sent to the Designated email id for processing of the Non-Financial Transactions.
Non-Financial Transactions shall be processed offline (unless otherwise specified), and will be approved at the sole discretion of the Bank.
Non-Financial Transactions: means all transactions that do not involve any exchange of funds and/or monies within the Subscriber’s Account(s) or third parties’ account(s).