Examples of Nongame birds in a sentence
Nongame birds are all birds except upland game birds and migratory game birds.
Mammals protected by the endangered species protection act may be possessed only in compliance with Part 365.3. Nongame birds killed by collision with a motor vehicle, except for house (English) sparrows, European starlings, feral pigeons, or endangered or threatened species, may be possessed pursuant to section 5.21 of this order.
Non-game birds such as songbirds, birds of prey, herons, swans and seagulls are also abundant within the corridor.
This needs to be addressed by the Technical Services Director and monitored by the Fezile Dabi Project Management Office.If project information is not available due to a change of personnel, or any other reason, the relevant Technical Services Director is still responsibility and accountable for ensuring that the supporting documentation is delivered within the specified time frame.
Nongame birds means all birds except upland game birds and migratory game birds.
Raise awareness and inform immigrant associations and professionals working with immigrants of how to prevent human trafficking, namely for purposes of labour exploitation.
Effective January 1, 2008.) 3801.5. Nongame birds not covered by the Migratory Bird Treaty Act which are found to be injuring growing crops or property may be taken by the owner or tenant of the premises.
Nongame birds of the Rocky Mountain spruce-fir forests and their management.
The Subrecipient shall maintain financial records of the expenditure of all HOME funds it receives, such records to be maintained in accordance with 24 CFR 200.302 (3) and 24 CFR Part 92.508, as applicable.
Non-game birds which are to be confined in cages or otherwise, and for exhibition in zoological parks.