NYS DEC definition
Examples of NYS DEC in a sentence
Notice of Sale documents, bid opening dates and bid results can be found on-line on the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation public web site address: http://www.dec.ny.gov/lands/69749.html and clicking on the NYS DEC Region where the timber sale is being offered.
Failure to execute and return the sales Contract to the NYS DEC, Attn: State Timber Sales, 625 Broadway, 5th Floor, Albany, NY 12233-4255, along with all other required documentation, within 30 calendar days of Notice of Award may result in forfeiture of the bid deposit and the awarding of this sale to the next highest bidder.
Payments shall be in the form of check or money order made payable to the “NYS Department of Environmental Conservation” and submitted to NYS DEC, Attn: State Timber Sales, 625 Broadway, 5th Floor, Albany, NY 12233-4255 before the date stipulated in the Payment Schedule.
If the Contractor desires to subcontract the herbicide application, the Contractor shall act as the agent of the DEC and shall only subcontract to a registered pesticide business that is currently registered with the NYS DEC and employs a certified applicator in the appropriate category (ie: Category 2).
Failure to execute and return the sales Contract to the NYS DEC, Attn: State Timber Sales, 625 Broadway, 5th Floor, Albany, NY 12233-4255, along with all other required documentation, within 30 calendar days of Notice of Award mayresult in forfeiture of the bid deposit and the awarding of this sale to the next highest bidder.
Therefore, present study was undertaken to evaluate serum apelin levels in patients with Subclinical hypothyroidism (SCH) and to compare it with healthy controls.
After training, equipment, supplies, and preserved bottles are provided to the volunteers by NYS DEC for bi-weekly sampling for a 15 week period between May and October.
Proposal blanks and any other information relative to this proposed sale may be obtained from Andrea Mercurio, Forester I, NYS DEC, 7327 State Route 812, Lowville, New York 13367, telephone (315) 376-3521, ext.
Volunteers undergo on-site initial training and follow-up quality assurance and quality control sessions are conducted by NYS DEC and trained NYS FOLA staff.
CFDA Number: Federal Grant Number: This Contract is entered under: Gov’t Code ch.