Oil waste definition
Examples of Oil waste in a sentence
Oconee County Schools developed a plan for professional learning with input from personnel from the local schools and district office.
Observe the locally applicable regulations.After prior treatment product has to be disposed of in an incinerator for hazardous waste adhering to the regulations pertaining to the disposal of particularly hazardous waste.Smaller quantities can be disposed of with household waste.European waste catalogue: 13 08 99 Oil waste (not otherwise specfied)Contaminated packaging:Recommendation: Disposal must be made according to official regulations.
Oil waste, filters, and other litter will be collected and disposed of properly.
Although statistically the addition of PKC in the concentrate did not significantly influence the increase in milk protein levels, the results obtained were still within the standard normal range of goat milk.The protein content of ECDG milk obtained in this study was higher when compared with the results of [11] and [4] who obtained milk protein levels by feeding feed concentrates based on Palm Oil waste were 2.95% and 3.68%.
Oil waste and other hazardous waste (including contaminated soil and oil spills) must be kept closed and separated from other wastes.
Oil waste containing petrochemicals, IMDG class I and II products, or emulsifiers is not received.
Under no circumstances will Service Provider take title to Oil, waste or related materials or be liable as an insurer of Oil, waste or related materials.
Oil waste, filters, other litter will be collected and disposed of properly.
Oil waste and fuel from motorized pumps is disposed of in watercourses and this adversely affects the environment for animal, plant life and quality of water.
Solid waste binsThese measures are highly effective, Oil waste binsfeasible and easy to implement.