Examples of Permanent Disconnection in a sentence
Permanent Disconnection: Accounts can be permanently disconnected when requested by the customer.
Permanent Disconnection of Cables After paragraph 35 add the following paragraphs 36 to 38 inclusive: Units 36 The unit of measurement shall be: (i) permanent disconnection of cables number.
The Distributor will notify the Retailer of the date on which the construction or Permanent Disconnection of the Network Supply Point is complete and this agreement will be deemed to be varied from that date to the extent necessary as a result of the construction or Permanent Disconnection.
If within 3 years of Permanent Disconnection the Customer requests the Service Connection be restored, the Customer may be required to pay all the costs associated with the original disconnection, removal of the Facilities and restoration of service.
FortisAlberta reserves the right to assess the Customer’s Retailer’s request for Permanent Disconnection and if the request is determined by FortisAlberta to be improper (such as if the Customer agrees to pay for Electric Distribution Service), to require the Retailer to correct the transaction.