Examples of Personal Financial Interest in a sentence
A person must absent himself from any discussions of the LGB in which it is possible that a conflict will arise between his duty to act solely in the interests of the Academy and any duty or personal interest (including but not limited to any Personal Financial Interest).
A person must absent him/herself from any discussions of the LGB in which it is possible that a conflict will arise between their duty to act solely in the interests of the Academy and any duty or personal interest (including but not limited to any Personal Financial Interest).
Your Personal Financial Interest You should not have a financial interest in a supplier, competitor, customer, distributor or any other organization that could cause a conflict of interest.
A person must absent himself from any discussions of the Local Governing Body in which it is possible that a conflict will arise between his duty to act solely in the interests of the Academy and any duty or personal interest (including but not limited to any Personal Financial Interest).
A Governor must absent himself from any discussions of the Governors in which it is possible that a conflict will arise between his duty to act solely in the interests of the Academy Trust and any duty or personal interest (including but not limited to any Personal Financial Interest).