Personal Financial Interest definition

Personal Financial Interest means a financial interest benefiting a member, ad hoc member, officer, or employee, and/or his/her immediate family.
Personal Financial Interest means any interest in the employment or remuneration of, or the provision of any other benefit to, a governor as further detailed within clauses 5.5 to 5.9 of the Memorandum“Principal”means the member of staff at the academy who has been appointed by the Trustees to have overall day to day control of and responsibility of the academy“Principal Sponsor”means Ormiston Trust“Secretary”means the Company Secretary of the Trust or any other person appointed to perform the duties of Secretary to the Trust“Staff Member”means a member of the staff elected to the Local Governing Body by members of staff of the academy“this document”means these Terms of Reference“the Trust”means Ormiston Academies Trust, a company limited by guarantee having registered number 06982127“the Trustees”means those persons appointed as directors and trustees of the Trust
Personal Financial Interest means any interest in the employment or remuneration of, or the

Examples of Personal Financial Interest in a sentence

  • A person must absent himself from any discussions of the LGB in which it is possible that a conflict will arise between his duty to act solely in the interests of the Academy and any duty or personal interest (including but not limited to any Personal Financial Interest).

  • A person must absent him/herself from any discussions of the LGB in which it is possible that a conflict will arise between their duty to act solely in the interests of the Academy and any duty or personal interest (including but not limited to any Personal Financial Interest).

  • Your Personal Financial Interest You should not have a financial interest in a supplier, competitor, customer, distributor or any other organization that could cause a conflict of interest.

  • A person must absent himself from any discussions of the Local Governing Body in which it is possible that a conflict will arise between his duty to act solely in the interests of the Academy and any duty or personal interest (including but not limited to any Personal Financial Interest).

  • A Governor must absent himself from any discussions of the Governors in which it is possible that a conflict will arise between his duty to act solely in the interests of the Academy Trust and any duty or personal interest (including but not limited to any Personal Financial Interest).

More Definitions of Personal Financial Interest

Personal Financial Interest means an interest held by a person, including through an Associated Business, which involves:
Personal Financial Interest means an interest, distinct from that of other Citizens of the Band, held by a person, or by an Immediate Family Member of that person, that is (1) any ownership, income, investment, security or other beneficial interest in a business, or
Personal Financial Interest means any interest in the employment or remuneration of, or the provision of any other benefit to, a governor as further detailed within clauses 6.5 to 5.9 of the Memorandum
Personal Financial Interest means any interest in the employment or remuneration of, or the provision of any other benefit to, a Governor as further detailed within Article 6 of the Articles; “Principal” means the member of staff at the UTC who is appointed by the Trust (in accordance with the terms of this document (including the review process summarised in paragraph 7.11) and his or her contract of employment, as may be amended from time to time) to have overall day to day control of and responsibility of the UTC; “Secretary” means the Secretary of the Trust or any other person appointed to perform the duties of Secretary to the Trust; “Staff Member” means a member elected to the Local Governing Body by members of staff of the UTC; “this document” means these Scheme of delegation; “the Trust” means Northern Schools Trust; and “UTC” means the Liverpool Life Sciences UTC, which is one of the academies of the Trust.
Personal Financial Interest means a direct material interest of a financial, monetary or economic nature, or to which a monetary value may be attached.
Personal Financial Interest means a financial interest for the official or any immediate family members.
Personal Financial Interest means any financial interest derived from ownership or right to ownership of, or lending to or other investment in, a private, for-profit entity that may receive an SSBCI investment (including any financial interest derived from ownership or right to ownership of, or investment in, a venture capital fund).