Examples of Personal search in a sentence
Personal search means a pat down search on top of the visitor’s clothes.b. The search will be to the degree deemed appropriate or necessary.
Personal search companies would then be freed from the need to attend at LAs to obtain the same information as they do at present.
Personal search fee has now been taken by the Government, it is hoped the abolition of HIPs will encourage more full Searches.
Personal search agents are pursuing litigation to recover personal search fees paid to all local authorities due to access to search information being free if inspected in situ under the Environmental Information Regulations.
It is designed to be a non-intrusive but does include inspection of pockets on clothing, and the removalof any items of substantial outdoor clothing including removal of shoes.Level 3 Personal search: removal of ALL clothing or down to undergarmentsThis is a search where there is removal of ALL clothing or down to undergarments.