Post Code definition
Examples of Post Code in a sentence
If you can’t confirm and tick the box or you are a corporate investor please complete the Individual Tax Self-Certification in Section 8.I confirm that I am solely UK resident for tax purposesCurrent Permanent Residential Address Post Code Time at this address yrs mthsPrevious address (if at current address for less than two years) Post Code Time at this address yrs mthsIf there are more than two holders please include their details on a separate piece of paper.
Jozef Tkáč owns a share of the below company:– SVK, s.r.o. v likvidáciiIdentification number: 35839597, Bratislava, Lamačská cesta 3, Post Code 841 05, Slovakia, controlled by Ing.
Ivan JakabovičBirth identification number 721008/6246, Bratislava, Donnerova 15, Post Code 841 05, Slovakia, who controls TECHNO PLUS, v.o.s. together with Ing.
Ivan Jakabovič from 1 January 2007 to 30 June 2007.– J&T Securities, s.r.o.Identification number (Ič): 31366431, registered office Bratislava, Lamačská cesta 3, Post Code 841 04, Slovakia, controlled by Ing.
Jozef TkáčBirth identification number 500616/210, Bratislava, Na Revíne 2941/13, Post Code 830 00, Slovakia, controlling TECHNO PLUS, v.o.s together with Ing.
THIS FIELD MUST ONLY CONTAIN A WHOLE NUMBER Bid submissions Customer Postcode MANDATORY FIELD Customer Postcode Post Code of the Customer Authority being provided service.
Ivan Jakabovič owns shares of the below companies:– KOLIBA REAL, s.r.o.WorldReginfo - b052128b-4f97-473d-8ba1-3f4824822453Identification number (Ič): 35725745 registered office Bratislava, Lamačská cesta 3, Post Code 841 04, Slovakia, controlled by Ing.
ANNUAL REPORT 2007 REPORT ON RELATIONSBETwEEN RELATED PARTIES Report on relations between the controlling persons and the controlled person and between the controlled person and other persons controlled by the same controlling person of J&T BANKA, a.s. 2007 This Report has been prepared by the Board of Directors of J&T BANKA, a.s., registered office Prague 8, Pobřežní 297/14, Post Code 186 00, Identification number (IČ): 47115378 (“the Bank“).
ANNUAL REPORT 2007 PAGE 96/97 TECHNO PLUS, verejná obchodná spoločnosťIdentification number (Ič): 31385419, registered office Bratislava, Donnerova 15, Post Code 841 05, Slovakia, which controls J&T Finance Group II, a.s. and J&T FINANCE GROUP, a.s. as well as SUPPORT & REAL, a.s. (former Stredoeurópska akciová spoločnosť, a.s.) J&T Finance Group II, a.s.Identification number (Ič): 44960701, registered office Prague 8, Pobřežní 297/14, Post Code 186 00, Czech Republic, controlled by TECHNO PLUS, v.o.s.
THIS FIELD MUST ONLY CONTAIN A WHOLE NUMBER Invoices Raised Customer Postcode MANDATORY FIELD Customer Postcode Post Code of the Customer Authority being provided service.