Pregnant woman definition

Pregnant woman means a woman during pregnancy and the postpartum period that begins on the date the pregnancy ends, extends 60 days and ends on the last day of the month in which the 60-day period ends.
Pregnant woman means a woman determined to have one or more embryos or fetuses in utero.
Pregnant woman means a woman who is pregnant and who otherwise meets the HIP eligibility criteria set forth in 405 IAC 10-4-1.

Examples of Pregnant woman in a sentence

  • Pregnant woman - She may not be sanctioned during the pregnancy, or for two months after the pregnancy has ended, if the TPL source is the absent parent of her child(ren).

  • Pregnant woman and any ill person can go to any hospital within a small time.

  • Pregnant woman or women using oral contraceptives who use this product may develop discolored skin.

  • The following passengers are inappropriate to fly: infectious disease patients, psychopath with aggressive behaviors, patients with cardiac and cerebrovascular disease, patients with respiratory system disease, patients with severe anemia, parturient women (Pregnant woman with singleton pregnancy more than 36weeks or with multiple pregnancy more than 32 weeks), infants born less than 14 days, postoperative patient (postoperative less than 10 days) or other patients medically inappropriate to fly.

  • Pregnant woman, newly born woman and / or woman with breastfeeding, as provided for in Articles 104, 105, 105 / a, 106, 108 and 115, and labor legislation as a whole.

More Definitions of Pregnant woman

Pregnant woman. , in relation to a review, means the pregnant woman to whom the review relates;
Pregnant woman means a female of any age who is pregnant.
Pregnant woman means a woman of any age who is medically determined to be pregnant. The pregnant woman definition is met from the first day of the earliest month that the medical practitioner certifies as being a month in which the woman was pregnant, through the last day of the month in which the 60th day occurs, following the last day of the month in which her pregnancy ended, regardless of the reason the pregnancy ended.
Pregnant woman means a basis of eligibility for Medical Assistance, as defined in 42 CFR Part 435 and implemented under State law, that is used as a factor to determine the Rate Cell of an Enrollee.
Pregnant woman means a woman of any age who is medically determined to be
Pregnant woman means the human biological female reproductive condition of having a living unborn child within her body throughout the entire embryonic and fetal stages of the unborn child from fertilization to full gestation and childbirth, whether or not she has reached the age of majority.
Pregnant woman means a basis of eligibility for MA, as defined in 42 C.F.R. 435 and implemented under State law, that is used as a factor to determine the Rate Cell of an Enrollee.