Examples of Prime agricultural land in a sentence
Prime agricultural land would be lost and future294 TA 5.2.9: In general, the overall width on average is some 6.5 metres.295 Part 8 paragraph 1296 TA s5.5 residents would need to use their private cars for basic services.
Prime agricultural land located within the IDP area should be protected where possible and premature development of existing agricultural land should be avoided until necessary.
Prime agricultural land, significant wetlands, and scenic rivers are some of the region’s premier natural resources.
Prime agricultural land: means specialty crop areas and/or Canada Land Inventory Class 1, 2, and 3 lands, as amended from time to time, in this order of priority for protection.
Prime agricultural land that is within the A-P Zone and is not within a Williamson Act contract shall be reclaimed to those uses which are declared by the County to be compatible with agricultural activities.