Examples of Prior Learning Assessment in a sentence
Prior Learning Assessment coordinators will be faculty or instructional bargaining unit members.
Education and academic policies include, but are not limited to, Academic Progress, Admission, Course Withdrawals, Standards for Awarding Credentials, Involuntary Health and Safety Leave of Absence, Prior Learning Assessment, Medical/Compassionate Withdrawal, Sexual Violence and Misconduct, Student Ancillary Fees, Student Appeals, Student Conduct, and Student Penalties and Fines.
This formal evaluation and accreditation process is known as Prior Learning Assessment and Recognition (PLAR).
If this program will grant credit based on Prior Learning Assessment, describe the methods of evaluating the learning and the maximum number of credits allowed, or check here [ X ] if not applicable.
Through credit for Prior Learning Assessment (PLA), SOWELA offers stu- dents the opportunity to earn college credit for knowledge and skills attained through educa- tional or work experiences.