Proficient definition

Proficient the Educator’s performance fully and consistently meets the requirements of a standard or overall. Proficient practice is understood to be fully satisfactory.
Proficient. ’ means meeting a stated level of achievement.
Proficient means having demonstrated the necessary skills, knowledge and attitudes that are required to perform any defined tasks to the prescribed standard;

Examples of Proficient in a sentence

  • The District will develop and fully implement a Plan for Oral and Written Language Assistance to provide oral and written language assistance services to limited English Proficient (LEP) parents of students at the District which ensures that they have meaningful access to important information about their children’s education program.

  • Quality of Work Component Poor Basic (Needs to Improve) Proficient Distinguished Time Management Time at work is used inefficiently, resulting in deadlines not being met.

  • In order to address the potential for overlooking students who may in fact be Limited English Proficient (LEP), but who are not assessed to determine their level of English Language Development (ELD) because their parents did not answer two or more questions on the home language survey (HLS) with a language other than English, the District agrees to assess all students who answer one or more questions on the HLS with an answer other than English.

  • Proficient in the technical skills necessary to accomplish their assigned work in an effective and efficient manner.

  • Quality of Work Component Poor Basic (Needs to Improve) Proficient Distinguished Job Knowledge/skills Limited knowledge, skills and/or misconceptions frequently result(s) in poor job performance.

More Definitions of Proficient

Proficient or “Satisfactory”; 2 for “Needs Improvement”; and 1 for “Unsatisfactory”. Teachers with the lowest average summative performance rating shall be dismissed first. Teachers with the same average summative performance evaluation rating shall be dismissed based on seniority, with teachers that have shorter length of continuing service with the District dismissed first.
Proficient means a student has success with the challenging content of the Colorado Academic Standards. These students answer most of the test questions correctly, but may have only some success with questions that reflect the most challenging content.
Proficient. needs improvement”, or “unsatisfactory”;
Proficient means a member who has completed the annual proficiency test in that season;
Proficient means a teacher has received ratings of proficient or higher on three of the five standards on the most recent summative evaluation, or on Standards 1 and 4 for teachers on an Abbreviated Evaluation.
Proficient at least 2 observations, 1 of which must be a formal observation; ▪ Tenured teachers whose last summative performance evaluation rating was “needs improvement” or “unsatisfactory”: at least 3 observations, 2 of which must be formal observations; and ▪ Non-tenured teachers: at least 3 observations, 2 of which must be formal observations. Notification of the date and time of the formal observation will be given to the teacher a minimum of five (5) school days prior to the observation.
Proficient means that a student demonstrated a level of knowledge and skills that are expected to be learned signaling that a student is well prepared to progress on the learning continuum aligned to the content standards, learning progressions, and necessary readiness skills.