Project Boundary definition
Examples of Project Boundary in a sentence
The following tables provide a comprehensive list of the SSRs that may be affected by a Forest Project, and indicate which SSRs must be included in the Offset Project Boundary for each type of Forest Project.
SOUTH: Project Boundary.EAST: Project Boundary & Road.WEST: Project Boundary & Bangladesh Border around 5 KM away.
For the High Flow Channel, DWR is required to operate the project “to protect the COLD beneficial use in [that Channel], as measured in the Feather River at the downstream Project Boundary, to the extent reasonably achievable.” Within one year of the renewed FERC license’s issuance, DWR would be required to submit an operations plan for the period before facility modifications, which plan would be required to include proposed interim temperature standards and interim measures to reduce temperatures.
For accounting purposes, the GHG sources, GHG sinks, and GHG reservoirs included in the Offset Project Boundary are organized according to whether they are predominantly associated with a Forest Project’s “Primary Effect” (i.e. the Forest Project’s intended changes in carbon stocks, GHG emissions, or GHG removal enhancements) or its “Secondary Effects” (i.e. unintended changes in carbon stocks, GHG emissions, or GHG removal enhancements caused by the Forest Project).
The Offset Project Boundary encompasses all the GHG emission SSR’s that may be significantly affected by Forest Project activities, such as forest carbon stocks and harvested wood products.