Examples of Project Proceeds in a sentence
Website: www.cherryblossom.org Credit Union Cherry Blossom Ten Mile Run Announces Title Sponsorship Extension for Credit Union Miracle Day, Inc.
Annually, with each 4th quarterly report (June 30), LGEDF grantees having recaptured funds must complete the Project Proceeds Report Form and return the report and total receipts which remain in their project proceeds account.
Net operating income generated from rent revenues or other income, with the exception of any project proceeds resulting from the long-term lease or sale of the property, is not considered Project Proceeds.
If Borrower sells any portion of the subject property during the Affordability Period or acts as Lessor on a long-term lease for a RHDA-assisted property, a portion of the net proceeds on the sale or long-term lease would be considered Project Proceeds and must be tracked and handled according to the Project Proceeds requirements AHFC has established for the project.
Any Project Proceeds that AHFC allows a Borrower to retain must be used for eligible or other housing activities to benefit families earning 50% or less than the adjusted MFI in effect for the Austin-Round Rock-San Marcos, TX MSA.