Theory of Change. The theory of change underlying this outcome is that effective climate adaptation and mitigation measures and a more rational use of scarce natural resources will buttress increased resilience and shift toward sustainable consumption and production and ‘greening’ of the economy.
Theory of Change. The theory of change underlying this outcome is that increased, and more efficient health and social protection system spending and performance will result in higher quality and inclusive services for all people in Turkmenistan, particularly for vulnerable groups in rural areas.
Theory of Change. The theory of change underlying this outcome is that improved performance of the education and skilling system, with stronger links to labour market needs, will contribute to more people, especially children, young people, women, and vulnerable groups, getting the knowledge and skills they need for rewarding employment and greater opportunities in a diversifying Turkmen economy.
Theory of Change. Broadly, Pro Public believes that peace comes through the transformative change of a xxxxxxxx xxxx of individuals, their attitudes, behaviors, skills. That's how the project will teach carefully
Theory of Change. When adequate dialogue facilitation and mediation services are provided by mixed dialogue teams in the communities, and the communities make use of these services, violence will be prevented and/or reduced, reconciliation promoted, and the integration of ex-combatants expedited. This will lead increased peace and social harmony in the communities".
Theory of Change. Diagrams Impact Pathway Useful PERT Diagram STAGE FIRST REMAKRS
Theory of Change ůŽĐĂů ĂŐƌŝĐƵůƚƵƌĂů ƵŶŝǀĞƌƐŝƚŝĞƐ͛ ŝŶƐƚŝƚƵ way of partnerships, investments and collaboration among U.S. universities to better understand, monitor, share information /disseminate, and manage agricultural system; THEN resulting gains of forming a cadre of professionals, from the field to the laboratories, will help drive investments across the agricultural production system and overall food supply will be less constrained, leading to greater overall food availability and affordability as well as ƐƚƌĞŶŐƚŚĞŶŝŶŐ ĨĂƌŵĞƌƐ͛ ƌĞƐŝůŝĞŶĐĞ ƚŽ ǁŝƚŚƐƚĂ
Theory of Change. The Activity is designed to enhance MSME productivity by creating favorable conditions for the private sector via collaboration with a diverse range of stakeholders across the ecosystem, hence promoting further economic growth. The Activity’s theory of change is: “If MSMEs introduce new technologies and innovations (including digitalization, e-commerce); education institutions, training centers, centers of excellence, and business support organizations collaborate with the private sector to develop modern training and certification programs; companies improve their financial and operational management; businesses elevate their interaction with the government through an evidence-based requests for policy reform; and the barriers for interregional trade and cooperation are eased and the value chain competitiveness strengthened through innovative and targeted solutions, Then MSMEs will improve their productivity; the labor force will meet the private sector demands; companies will access finance and attract new investments; the regulatory framework will support the businesses’ growth and the country’s regional economic integration will improve.”
Theory of Change. The theory of change underpinning JAPRI was that if P&V individuals are empowered to start and/or grow businesses and the capacity of local stakeholders to provide entrepreneurs with ongoing support is strengthened, then work opportunities will be improved. JAPRI achieved its goal through the following objectives: These objectives were achieved through the Results Framework1 below:
Figure 1. JAPRI Results Framework
Theory of Change. Dallas ISD and SMU believe that if SMU partners with Dallas ISD and the West Dallas social sector to build a community-wide scaffold of supports for students and families focused on increased academic skill building and educational achievement, builds strong partnerships of mutual expectation with educational providers (public, charter and private schools), drives change with parent-owned advocacy, and continually measures and revises the programs it is implementing, then within five to seven years every student in West Dallas could have access to a high-performing school.