Examples of Provision of Services in a sentence
When expenditure to be financed from a reserve is incurred, it is charged to the appropriate service in that year to score against the Surplus or Deficit on the Provision of Services in the Comprehensive Income and Expenditure Statement.
The accrual is charged to Surplus or Deficit on the Provision of Services, but then reversed out through the Movement in Reserves Statement so that holiday benefits are charged to revenue in the financial year in which the holiday absence occurs.
Long term contracts are accounted for on the basis of charging the Surplus or Deficit on the Provision of Services with the value of works and services received under the contract during the financial year.
Gains in fair value are recognised only up to the amount of any previous losses recognised in the Surplus or Deficit on Provision of Services.
Fair value gains and losses are recognised as they arrive in the Surplus or Deficit on the Provision of Services.