Examples of PSD permit in a sentence
Climate change modeling and evaluations of risks and impacts are typically conducted for changes in emissions that are orders of magnitude larger than the emissions from individual projects that might be analyzed in PSD permit reviews.
This PSD permit does not release the Permittee from any liability for compliance with other applicable federal, state and local environmental laws and regulations, including the Clean Air Act.
This exemption from the requirements of 310 CMR 7.02(4) and (5) shall not affect the responsibility of the owner or operator to comply with other provisions of 310 CMR 7.00, other applicable regulations or any plan approval, notice of noncompliance order, PSD permit or other approval issued to said facility.
This permit was the first Title V Operating Air Permit and the first PSD permit issued for this facility.
Compliance with this appendix shall be deemed compliance with the requirements contained in the EPA PSD permit Appendix III issued September 11, 1979.