Examples of Public Participation Process in a sentence
The Public Participation Process (“PPP”) must fulfil the requirements as outlined in the NEMA EIA Regulations and must be attached as Appendix F.
Step 1b2 - In accordance with G.2., the permittee shall submit the Public Participation Process Report Plan: within 36 months from the effective date of the permit (EDP).
The competent authority is satisfied that the Public Participation Process that was followed met the minimum legal requirements.
This Department is satisfied that the Public Participation Process that was followed met the minimum legal requirements.
The Agency’s Pesticide Tolerance Reassessment and Reregistration; Public Participation Process, published in the Federal Register on May 14, 2004, (69 FR 26819) (FRL–7357–9) explains that in conducting these programs, EPA is tailoring its public participation process to be commensurate with the level of risk, extent of use, complexity of issues, and degree of public concern associated with each pesticide.
Sage proposes the following modification of § 72517(c)(2)(B): “Ways Methods of communicating with or about LGBT individuals.”Department Response: The Department accepted this comment and made this change.
To ensure that the Department of Environmental Affairs (DEA) can make an informed decision, based on a transparent and meaningful process, this Basic Assessment (BA) process must undergo a Public Participation Process (PPP).This PPP must be undertaken in accordance with regulations 39-44 of the EIA Regulations.
The Guidelines on Public Participation, which have been published but the Department of Environmental Affairs, informed the steps that were taken during the Public Participation Process for this Project.The NEMA EIA Regulations, 2014 prescribes that the Environmental Impact Assessment process must undertake public participation in accordance with the Chapter 6 of the Regulations.
The purpose of the Public Participation Process is to provide all potential and / or registered Interested and Affected Parties (I&APs), including the competent authority and any other stakeholder or organ of state, an opportunity to become involved in the EIA process and provide comments during the various phases of the project.
The Department is satisfied that the Public Participation Process that was followed met the minimum legal requirements and all the comments raised and responses thereto were included in the comments and response report.