Readiness Review definition
Readiness Review means the assurances made by a selected HMO and the examination conducted by HHSC, or its agents, of HMO’s ability, preparedness, and availability to fulfill its obligations under the Contract.
Readiness Review means the assurances made by a selected MCO and the examination conducted by HHSC, or its agents, of MCO’s ability, preparedness, and availability to fulfill its obligations under the Contract. Real-Time Captioning (also known as CART, Communication Access Real-Time Translation) means a process by which a trained individual uses a shorthand machine, a computer, and real-time translation software to type and simultaneously translate spoken language into text on a computer screen. Real Time Captioning is provided for individuals who are deaf, have hearing impairments, or have unintelligible speech. It is usually used to interpret spoken English into text English but may be used to translate other spoken languages into text. Request for Proposals or RFP means the procurement solicitation instrument issued by HHSC under which this Contract was awarded and all RFP addenda, corrections or modifications, if any. Revenue means all revenue received by the MCO pursuant to this Contract, including retroactive adjustments made by HHSC. Revenue includes any funds earned on Medicaid or CHIP managed care funds such as investment income and earned interest. Revenue excludes any reinsurance recoveries, which shall be shown as a contra-cost, or reported offset to reinsurance expense. Revenues are reported at gross, and are not netted for any reinsurance premiums paid. See also the Uniform Managed Care Manual’s “Cost Principles for Expenses.” Risk means the potential for loss as a result of expenses and costs of the MCO exceeding payments made by HHSC under the Contract.
Readiness Review means a determination by OHA that an Applicant or CCO is qualified to hold a CCO contract.
Examples of Readiness Review in a sentence
NASA and Partner support 70% Test Readiness Review Milestone 2 + 31 days 4.
NASA and Partner support 30% Test Readiness Review Milestone 1 + 1 day 3.
BMS or its agents will conduct a Readiness Review to determine whether the MCO or its Subcontractor(s) have implemented all systems and processes necessary to begin serving enrollees.
NASA and Partner support 90% Test Readiness Review Milestone 4 + 55 days 6.
Conduct 100% Test Readiness Review for Structural Strength Testing.
More Definitions of Readiness Review
Readiness Review means the process by which the Department or itsdesignee assesses Contractor’s ability to fulfill Contractor’s duties and obligations under the Contract, including reviewing Contractor’s model Provider agreements, Provider Network, QA program, staffing for operations, and information systems.
Readiness Review means the process by which the Department, or its designee, assesses Contractor’s ability to fulfill Contractor’s duties and obligations under the Contract, including, but not limited to, reviewing Contractor’s model Provider agreements, the Affiliated Provider network, the Quality Assurance Program, staffing for operations, and information systems.
Readiness Review means a determination by OHA that an Applicant or CCO is qualified to hold a CCO Contract.
Readiness Review means the examination conducted by HHSC of CONTRACTOR's ability, preparedness, and availability to fulfill its obligations under this Agreement.
Readiness Review means a systematic review carried out by a licensee prior to undertaking a shipment as part of a good security management program to ensure overall functioning of a security system. A readiness review is used to demonstrate that security measures are in place and functional prior to starting shipment operations;
Readiness Review means HHSC or its agent’s process of review, assessment, and determination of the MCO’s ability, preparedness, and availability to fulfill its obligations under the Contract. Real-Time Captioning (also known as Communication Access Real-Time Translation or CART) means a process by which a trained individual uses a shorthand machine, a computer, and real- time translation Software to type and simultaneously translate spoken language into text on a computer screen. Real-Time Captioning is provided for individuals who are deaf, have hearing impairments, or have unintelligible speech. It is usually used to interpret spoken English into text English but may be used to translate other spoken languages into text.
Readiness Review means a review process conducted by TDH or its agent(s) to assess HMO's capacity and capability to perform the duties and responsibilities required under the Contract. This process is required by Texas Government Code Section 533.007.