Related Product definition

Related Product means a product listed on Exhibit F, as may be updated by the parties from time to time, that does not fall within the definition of “Beverage,” and will include (i) any Consumer Beverage Component that becomes a Related Product under the terms of Paragraph 5, (ii) all Line Extensions of the Related Products identified on Exhibit F, and (iii) all SKUs or packages for the Related Products identified on Exhibit F.
Related Product means any pharmaceutical product that contains a Related Compound as a pharmaceutically active agent.
Related Product means any Dietary Supplement, Medical Food or drug, whether available over-the-counter or by prescription, in any dosage form, strength or route or mode of administration, containing Vitamin B12, whether in combination with any other vitamin, mineral, nutrient, Dietary Supplement, Medical Food, drug or active or inactive pharmaceutical ingredient or otherwise, and including SNAC or any other similar agent for improved or different bioavailability using the Company’s proprietary Eligen® technology or any other technology owned or licensed by the Company or any of its Affiliates.

Examples of Related Product in a sentence

  • Title with regard to co-mingled Product or Related Product shall be deemed to remain with the Customer in proportion to the Customer's actual book stock according to the records of the Provider at the relevant time subject to audit by the Customer and correction of any discrepancies found.

  • If the Related Product is a service (e.g. Parts installation at the Contractor Location, inventory stocking program or technician training), the price charged shall either be the price identified in the Contract and on the Contract Award Notification page on the OGS website, or less.

  • Contractor shall be required to deliver Parts and Related Product anywhere within NYS boundaries, at the location and time designated by the Authorized User on the Purchase Order, or by other mutual agreement.

  • The purpose of this Contract is to provide Authorized Users with a means of acquiring Commonly Stocked and Direct Order Vehicle and Equipment Parts, and Related Product.

  • Group 30310-23123, Vehicle and Equipment Parts and Related Product Attachment 3 – Report of Contract Usage Enter information for this report in the cells below.

More Definitions of Related Product

Related Product means a cell based therapeutic agent which is not a Product but which ***.
Related Product means, in reference to a particular L&G Product or an L&G Service Product (as defined below), any L&G Product that is an improvement or a modification to, derived from, a derivative work of or a replacement of or in the same or similar product class or family as that L&G Product or L&G Service Product such that such L&G Product is in the same market category or accomplishes the same or similar function in the same or similar manner as that L&G Product or L&G Service Product.
Related Product has the meaning given in the CTOA.
Related Product means a product listed on Exhibit G, as may be updated by the parties from time to time, that does not fall within the definition of “Beverage,” and will include (i) any Consumer Beverage Component that becomes a Related Product under the terms of Paragraph 5, (ii) all Line Extensions of the Related Products identified on Exhibit G, and (iii) all SKUs or packages for the Related Products identified on Exhibit G.
Related Product means an article other than medicine which includes cosmetics, homeopathic medicines, medical device, instrument or apparatus including, components, parts and accessories of it, manufactured, sold or represented for use in the diagnosis, treatment, mitigation or prevention of a disease, disorder or abnormal physical state, or the symptom of it in man or animal;
Related Product. Related Product means, with respect to a Glycoprotein Product, an injectable product (a) with (i) [**], (ii) [**], and (iii) [**], and (b) for which an Application cites the marketing approval file for the relevant Reference Drug or, with respect to the [**]-Referenced Product, [**]as the reference listed drug.
Related Product. Related Product shall mean any product or product candidate that Interacts with FAAH.