Examples of Religious Practice in a sentence
Religious Practice means a term including practices and observances such as attending worship services, wearing religious garb or symbols, praying at prescribed times, displaying religious objects, adhering to certain dietary rules, refraining from certain activities, proselytizing, etc.
These will be applicants with four or more points on the Yavneh Primary School Certificate of Religious Practice (“CRP”).
Other children who obtain a minimum of four points on the Yavneh College Certificate of Religious Practice.
Any other children who obtain fewer than four points on the Yavneh College Certificate of Religious Practice.
Levine, Rethinking the Supreme Court’s Hands-Off Approach to Questions of Religious Practice and Belief, 25 FORDHAM URB.
The Proposer’s project representative shall provide to DDS the names and contact information for all other staff who will be assigned to this contract, including the names and contact information for any subcontractors.
A ‘looked after child’ or a child who was previously looked after, who obtained a minimum of three points on the Yavneh College Certificate of Religious Practice.
For those who wish to be considered as priority applicants, the Certificate of Religious Practice for primary schools under the religious authority of the Chief Rabbi (the “CRP”) should also be completed and sent to the school.
Any other ‘looked after child’, or child who was previously looked after, who obtained fewer than three points on the Yavneh College Certificate of Religious Practice.
Any other Children looked after and children who were previously looked after, including those who appear (to the admission authority) to have been in state care outside of England, and ceased to be in state care as a result of being adopted or became subject to a child arrangements order1 or a special guardianship order, who obtained fewer than four points on the Yavneh College Certificate of Religious Practice.