Examples of Remedial Action Work Plan in a sentence
Golf Course NFA The NJDEP will issue a No Further Action (NFA) determination for the golf course, once documentation is presented to show compliance with the Remedial Action Work Plan.
The Master Property is subject to ongoing environmental remediation pursuant to a Record of Decision, Missoula White Pine Sash Facility, MDEQ, February, 2015 (the “ROD”) and Missoula White Pine Sash, Remedial Action Work Plan, MDEQ, September, 2015 (the “Remedial Action Work”), and the Deed contains certain covenants associated with the ROD and Remedial Action Work (collectively, the “Environmental Restrictions”).
Upon approval of the RAA and final decision of remediation approach based on alternatives presented, a Remedial Design (“RD”) or Remedial Action Work Plan (“RAWP”) is developed and filed with the DEC for approval.
VCP Documents By reference, this agreement includes the OER-approved Remedial Action Work Plan, the completed Remedial Investigation Report and fact sheet announcing the availability of the Remedial Action Work Plan for public comment, the VCP application, and the enrollment fee paid as a request for enrollment in the VCP.
The remedial work completed during this period was done in accordance with the certified Remedial Action Work Plan (RAWP) by Roux dated November 2019.