Operable Unit definition

Operable Unit. CERCLA term for a discrete action as part of a remedial response that, according to a Record of Decision, manages contaminant migration, or eliminates or mitigates a F and H Area Waste Tanks
Operable Unit means an area, geographic or otherwise, for which there is a response action, whether removal or remedial, that is subject to a separate administrative record and response selection decision.
Operable Unit means a discrete portion of the Hanford Site, as identified in Section 3.0 of the Action Plan.

Examples of Operable Unit in a sentence

  • RI/FS schedules for each Operable Unit will be published by the lead regulatory agency, as provided in Section 120(e)(1) of CERCLA.

  • At the discretion of the lead regulatory agency, a Notice of Completion may be issued for completion of a portion of the remedial or corrective action for an Operable Unit.

  • Upon satisfactory completion of the remedial or corrective action phase as described in Section 7 of the Action Plan for a given Operable Unit, the lead regulatory agency shall issue a Notice of Completion to DOE for that Operable Unit.

  • Such assessment may be done for an entire Operable Unit, or individual Waste Management Units within an Operable Unit.

More Definitions of Operable Unit

Operable Unit is not intended to refer to the termoperating unit” as used in RCRA. All Operable Units shall be addressed in accordance with the NCP, EPA Guidance and the requirements of CERCLA.
Operable Unit or “OU” means any individual SWMU or AOC or a group of SWMUs or AOCs based on geographic location (i.e., technical area or test area) orgrouped by similar construction, transport pathways, exposure routes, receptors, potential risk, and potential locations for Contaminants to accumulate.
Operable Unit or “OU” shall mean a discrete action that comprises an incremental step toward comprehensively remediating the Site. This discrete portion of a remedial response manages migration, or eliminates or mitigates a release, threat of release, or pathway of exposure related to the Site. Operable Units may address geographical portions of the Site, specific Site problems, or initial phases of an action, or may consist of any set of actions performed over time or any actions that are concurrent but located in different parts of the Site. The cleanup of the Site can be divided into a number of Operable Units, depending on the complexity of the problems associated with the Site. The term “Operable Unit” is not intended to refer to the term “operating unit” as used in RCRA. All Operable Units shall be addressed in accordance with the NCP, EPA Guidance and the requirements of CERCLA.
Operable Unit means a portion of the remedial program for a site that for technical or administrative reasons can be addressed separately to investigate, eliminate or mitigate a release, threat of release or exposure pathway resulting from the site contamination. Operable units may address geographical portions of a site, media specific action, specific site problems, or an initial phase of a remedial action, or may consist of any set of remedial actions performed over time or any actions that are concurrent but located in different parts of a site. An operable unit may be proposed by the office or an enrollee; however, only the office can approve the use of operable units.
Operable Unit or “OU” shall mean certain discrete areas or tasks within the Site as determined by similarities in the location or hazardous substances present, as defined in the EPA Administrative Order for RI/FS, and as may be further defined in the RI/FS SOW. The Operable Units are generally described as follows: Site-Wide Groundwater OU-1, Pit Lake OU-2, Process Area OU-3, Evaporation Ponds OU-4a, Sulfide Tailings OU-4b, Waste Rock Areas OU-5, Oxide Tailings OU-6, Wabuska Drain OU-7, and Arimetco Facilities OU-8.
Operable Unit means a discrete action that comprises an incremental step toward comprehensively addressing site problems. This discrete portion of a remedial response manages migration, or eliminates or mitigates a release, threat of a release, or pathway of exposure. The cleanup of a site can be divided into a number of operable units, depending on the complexity of the problems associated with the site. Operable units may address geographical portions of a site, specific site problems, or initial phases of
Operable Unit means any subdivision of a facility in terms of area or environmental media or any other manner approved by the Secretary.”