Remedial Design Work Plan definition

Remedial Design Work Plan means the document developed pursuant to the AOC and approved by EPA, and any modifications thereto.
Remedial Design Work Plan means the document developed pursuant to Paragraph 11 and approved by EPA, and any amendments thereto.
Remedial Design Work Plan means the document described by Paragraph 12 of this Consent Decree and approved by the Response Agencies, and any amendments thereto.

Examples of Remedial Design Work Plan in a sentence

  • The Remedial Design Work Plan established a revised timetable with specific, stipulated penalty milestones.

  • The timetable in the Remedial Design Work Plan was superseded by the timetables established in the 1995 version of the SMP.

  • The scope of work, timetable, and schedule for remedial actions presented in the FFA Work Plan were superseded by the Remedial Design Work Plan, which was identified as a primary document and was submitted as a final document in January 1992.

  • Remedial Design Report RDWP – Remedial Design Work Plan RER – Remediation Effectiveness Report RH – remote handled RI/FS – Remedial Investigation/Feasibility Study RIWP – Remedial Investigation Work Plan RmAR – Removal Action Report RmAWP – Removal Action Work Plan ROD – Record of Decision RUBB – trade name of a temporary, fabric covered enclosure S&M – surveillance and maintenance SAP – sampling analysis plan SEC – Safety and Ecology Corp.

  • This was over a year prior to finalization of the Lake Consent Decree requiring Honeywell to implement the remedy, which allowed for data collection and design activities to begin prior to finalization of this Remedial Design Work Plan.

More Definitions of Remedial Design Work Plan

Remedial Design Work Plan means the document developed pursuant
Remedial Design Work Plan means the document developed pursuant to Paragraph 10 of this Consent Decree and approved by EPA, and any amendments thereto.
Remedial Design Work Plan means the document developed pursuant to Paragraph 11 (Remedial Design) and approved by EPA, and any modifications thereto.
Remedial Design Work Plan means the finally approved work plan produced by Settling Defendant pursuant to the Administrative Order between Settling Defendant and EPA to develop the Remedial Design.
Remedial Design Work Plan means the document developed pursuant to Paragraph 9.6 of Section IX (Work to be Performed) and approved by the Agencies, and any modifications thereto.
Remedial Design Work Plan or “RD Work Plan” shall mean Respondent’s August, 2003 Remedial Design Work Plan for the Site and the appendices thereto (which consist of the Baseline Monitoring Program Scoping Document, Habitat Delineation and Assessment Work Plan, and Cultural and Archeological Resources Assessment Work Plan). The Remedial Design Work Plan has been approved by EPA and is incorporated into and is an enforceable part of this Consent Order. The Remedial Design Work Plan is attached hereto as Appendix 1.
Remedial Design Work Plan. ’ shall mean the document developed pursuant to Paragraph 11 of this Consent Decree