Reprimand definition

Reprimand means written censure for specified college regulatory violations.
Reprimand means the formal reproof of a licensee for violation of the Pharmacy Practice Act or Rules and Regulations of the Board.
Reprimand means a "Letter of Reprimand," which is a letter from the Association to an Association member or MLS Participant or Subscriber, advising of a lack of professional conduct or a violation of MLS rules determined by a "due process" hearing by a hearing Panel, and advising that the letter is to be construed as an official reprimand.

Examples of Reprimand in a sentence

  • A Written Reprimand is disciplinary documentation that is placed in an employee’s personnel file.

  • If the employee refuses to sign, the Written Reprimand will be provided to the employee and a copy will be placed in the employee’s personnel file indicating that the employee refused to sign.

  • Any Written Reprimand shall be provided to the employee and shall be signed by the employee for the sole purpose of indicating that the employee has received a copy and has had an opportunity to discuss it with their immediate supervisor.

More Definitions of Reprimand

Reprimand means to publicly warn the holder of a cre- dential.
Reprimand means a formal reproof of a person for violation of this Chapter or rules and regulations of the board.
Reprimand means any written letter of reprimand action taken by supervisory personnel as a result of an employee violation or infraction of District policies, procedures, regulations, or administrative directives that is to be included in the employee's District personnel file.
Reprimand means a public and formal censure against a license or registration.
Reprimand means a note to file of a credential holder for his or her conduct, which does not rise to the level of a suspension or revocation of a credential, which can be used in the event of a subsequent investigation;
Reprimand means the oral or written reprimand delivered by the Dean to a student found to have committed an Honor Code violation, as provided in Section 3.1.
Reprimand means an enforcement action under s. DHS 110.56.