Suspension or Revocation Sample Clauses

Suspension or Revocation. The department by written notice to the applicant or recipient may suspend or revoke a license if the department finds that there has been a substantial failure to comply with the requirements of ss. 50.90 to 50.98, Stats., or this chapter. The notice shall identify the violation and the statute or rule violated, and shall describe the process under sub. (11) for appealing the decision.
Suspension or Revocation. The Service may suspend or revoke the permit for cause in accordance with the laws and regulations in force at the time of such suspension or revocation (50 CFR 13.28(a)). The Service may also, as a last resort, revoke the permit if continuation of permitted activities would likely result in jeopardy to covered species (50 CFR 17.22/32(c)(7)). The Service will revoke because of jeopardy concerns only after first implementing all practicable measures to remedy the situation.
Suspension or Revocation. If at any time during the term of Client's certification hereunder Client is found by PRI to be in violation of this Agreement or any of the conditions of the Program, then PRI shall have the right to suspend or revoke the certification. In the event that PRI determines that Client is in violation of this Agreement or any conditions of the Program, PRI shall notify Client thereof in writing and Client shall respond to PRI in accordance with current PRI procedures. Such response of Client shall set forth facts showing that PRI's determination was incorrect, or that PRI's determination was correct and that Client has taken or is taking corrective action to cure the default, including the time required to effect the cure, or has remedied the conditions giving rise to such violation of the Program or Agreement.
Suspension or Revocation. NDOW may suspend or revoke a CI if a Cooperator has breached obligations under this CA, has failed to cure the breach in a timely manner, and the effect of the breach diminishes the likelihood that the CA will achieve stated goals. Termination of a CA, and removal of LCT from the property, at the request of the Cooperator or NDOW for reasons identified in Section 9.2 shall also result in revocation of the Cooperator's CI.
Suspension or Revocation of the license of a person, if the person knew or reasonably should have known the person was in violation of this section.
Suspension or Revocation. Subject to notifying Licensee and cure rights set forth herein, Licensor reserves the right to deny, suspend or revoke access to the System, in whole or in part, if Licensor believes, in good faith, that Licensee is in breach of, or using the System in a manner inconsistent with this license and these TOS. Subject to notifying Licensee and cure rights set forth herein, Licensor reserves the right to disable and/or remove certain Licensee's data or other materials that are, in Licensor's reasonable discretion, disruptive to the operation of the System. Subject to Licensee's notice and cure rights, in the event that an account is disabled or deleted, the disabling or deletion of the account will occur immediately and the Licensee will be notified immediately. These rights are in addition to those rights set forth under the terms of default.
Suspension or Revocation. In the event an employee who is required by the City to maintain a CDL has such license suspended or revoked for a period of sixty (60) calendar days or less, he/she shall be reassigned to tasks within his/her classification that do not require a CDL during the period of suspension or revocation. If the CDL is suspended or revoked for a period longer than sixty (60) days, but not more than twelve (12) months plus thirty (30) days for Department of Transportation administration, the employee may be given a leave of absence without pay or benefits for the duration of the suspension or revocation of the license. However, if the employee is assigned to operate a commercial motor vehicle (CMV) as a part of his/her job duties on twenty-five (25) or fewer days in the previous twelve (12) months, the employee will not be placed on a leave of absence, but instead will be subject to disciplinary action including suspension, subject to the just cause standard. If the duties to which the employee is assigned require the employee to operate a non-commercial vehicle, the employee will be required to obtain a valid occupational license within sixty (60) days of revocation. The City is under no obligation to modify or reassign an employee’s normal job assignments. This exclusion is created solely for employees who may operate a CMV as an exception to their normal job duties. If the CDL is suspended or revoked for a period of more than one (1) year (plus 30 days), the employee will be placed on layoff with no rights to recall. Any employee who fails to notify the employer of the loss of his/her CDL may be subject to disciplinary action subject to the just cause standard.
Suspension or Revocation. ANTIC has the right to suspend or revoke the certificate at its sole discretion in the event of occurrence of a situation stated in the Law relating to Cybersecurity and cybercriminality and the regulation enforce.
Suspension or Revocation. NMFS may suspend or revoke the ESP in accordance with the laws and regulations in force at the time of such suspension or revocation.
Suspension or Revocation. The Commission may suspend or revoke the certification of a Self-Directed DSM Program, certified in accordance with Section 7.1, that is found, after notice and an opportunity for hearing, to provide false information, or that fails to notify the Commission in the event of a change in eligibility status or otherwise comply with law or these guidelines.