Required Works definition
Examples of Required Works in a sentence
The Performance Security shall be in a penal sum not less than ten percent (10%) of the Purchase Order (PO) issued by the Director, Directorate of Purchase, BPDB, Dhaka on behalf the employer i.e. BPDB individually for the respective Supply New/Refurbish Spares & related consumables for each schedule inspection and for Required Works for each schedule inspection.
Formal dispensation from the requirement to call public tenders for the sealing work was obtained prior to the issue of the order.Roads Hierarchy and Roadworks ProgramThe project to inspect and assess all Council roads has now been completed and the draft Listing of Required Works and Priorities is attached for the information of Council.
The draft Listing of Required Works and Priorities will have further work done on it over the coming month to include cost estimates on each required job.Pre-Cyclone Season CleanupThe annual Pre-Cyclone Season Cleanup has been scheduled for Adelaide River on Monday 17 October and for Batchelor on Monday 24 October.
In addition, the DWER is required to be involved in satisfying Required Works which means they will be involved in the EPA process in the near future.
This EOI document includes the following parts: PART A: Cover Page PART B: InstructionsPART C: Scope of Work Summary of Required Works PART D: Representations and CertificationsAttachment A: JSI's Standard General Terms & Conditions Attachment B: Funder Required Clauses JSI is committed to the highest standards of ethics and integrity in procurement.
Unless it is manifestly unreasonable to do so, the cost of the Required Works shall be determined on the basis of the least expensive of binding quotes obtained from three reputable and independent contractors and such cost shall not be payable by the Seller in relation to any particular Required Works until such Required Works have been carried out.
The draft Listing of Required Works and Priorities will have further work done on it over the coming month to include cost estimates on each required job.Pre-Cyclone Season CleanupThe annual Pre-Cyclone Season Cleanup has been scheduled for Adelaide River on Monday 17 Octoberand for Batchelor on Monday 24 October.
These works are identified in Table 1: Required Works and Proposed Variances.Table 1: Required Works and Proposed Variances Development Variance Permit No. VP100351Variance RequestedRationale For SupportAsphalt pavement surfaceCurrently, the road dedication is not developed or used to accessany properties.
Undertake the Required Works approved by the Council in accordance with condition 2(c)(i) under the supervision of a Chartered Professional engineer.
Other Required Works Road widening 4.2.5 The successful tenderer is required to, at his own cost and expense, widen the existing Prince Charles Crescent along the western boundary of the Land Parcel and existing Prince Charles Square to the northern boundary of the Land Parcel to a road reserve width of21.4 m as shown indicatively in the Control Plan.