Examples of Restorative services in a sentence
Restorative services restore tooth structures lost as a result of dental decay or fracture and include: • Single crown restorations.
Restorative services include:• Minor restorative services, such as amalgam (silver) fillings and composite resin (tooth colored) fillings.• Major restorative services such as crowns and onlays, used when teeth cannot be restored with amalgam or resin fillings.Sealants - mechanically and/or chemically prepared enamel surface sealed to prevent decay.Space Maintainers - passive appliances are designed to prevent tooth movement.
Restorative services are amalgam, resin-based composite restorations (fillings), or stainless steel and prefabricated stainless steel restorations.
Effective September 1, 2005 coverage is as follows: - 100% coverage for basic services; - 70% for Prosthetic (dentures) expenses; - 85% for Orthodontic expenses up to an individual maximum lifetime benefit of $5,000; - 70% for Restorative services (dental implants, caps, crowns and bridges) up to an individual calendar year maximum benefit of $5,000.
If periodontal therapy has already been reported on your claims, the Self-Report form is not necessary.• Brush biopsy to detect oral cancer Basic Dental Services • Restorative services using amalgam, synthetic porcelain, and plastic filling material.