Restricted Advice definition

Restricted Advice means advice and recommendations RBCEL may give you after RBCEL has assessed your needs but which does not constitute Independent Advice;
Restricted Advice means advice and recommendations we may give you after we have assessed your needs but which does not constitute Independent Advice;
Restricted Advice service. This means that we will advise and make recommendations for you after we have assessed your needs, but we only offer advice on limited types of capital investment or regular investment products, or products from one company or a limited number of companies. We will only make recommendations that we know are suitable for you. Conflicts of Interest Occasions may arise where we or one of our clients have some form of interest in business being transacted by you. If this happens or we become aware that our interests or those of one of our clients conflict with your interests, we will write to you and obtain your consent before we carry out your instructions, and detail the steps we will take to ensure fair treatment. Service and Standards We are committed to providing the highest standard of financial advice and service. Your interests are very important to us and for any advice or service we provide we will:  be open, honest and transparent in the way we deal with you.  not place our interests above yours.  communicate clearly, promptly and without jargon. Cancellation rights  In most cases you can exercise a right to cancel by withdrawing from the contract. In most cases you will have a 30 day cancellation period for life assurance policies; pure protection insurance policies; payment protection insurance policies, or pension contracts and a 14 day cancellation period for all other contracts.  Instructions for exercising the right to cancel, if applicable, will be contained in the relevant product disclosure information which will be issued to you. If you cancel a single premium contract, you may be required to pay for any loss you might reasonably incur in cancelling it which is caused by market movements. This means that, in certain circumstances, you might not get back the full amount you invested if you cancel the arrangement.

Examples of Restricted Advice in a sentence

  • Our Advice As we predominantly recommend our own investment services and solutions our investment advice is Restricted Advice under the rules of our regulator the Financial Conduct Authority.

  • As we predominantly recommend our own investment services and solutions our investment advice is Restricted Advice under the rules of our regulator the Financial Conduct Authority.

  • This advice will be Restricted Advice, as defined by the FCA, which means we will use selected third-party providers only and will not consider the full range of providers available for dealing these instruments.

  • The range of investments we may recommend to you include those listed in Clause 2.6. Our advice is Restricted Advice because it is limited to advice on investments from a limited selection of investment product providers, which includes RBC.

  • Clients investing through the Managed Advisory Investment Service should note that we provide Restricted Advice.

  • Restricted Advice – we will advise and make a recommendation for you after we have assessed your needs, but only offer advice on limited analysis of products, by reference to the products from those companies which we hold an agency.

  • We do not operate a Restricted Advice service.With regard to Protection and General Insurance business, the FCA states that there is no equivalent of independent, as there are so many different companies, some of whom will not allow the use of an intermediary like ourselves.

  • Financial Services Authority, Retail Distribution Review: Independent and Restricted Advice (Guidance Consultation, February 2012) 8 [3.3].

  • Restricted Advice is still regulated and 'best advice', it is not a poorer relation to independent advice.

  • Financial Services Authority, Retail Distribution Review: Independent and Restricted Advice (Guidance Consultation, February 2012) 3 [2.2].

More Definitions of Restricted Advice

Restricted Advice. We will assess your needs and then recommend a solution from a limited number of companies, and you may ask for a list of those companies. ✘ NO ADVICE – We will not provide any advice or recommendation.We may ask some questions to help the selection of various solutions, but you will need to make your own choice about how to proceed.

Related to Restricted Advice

  • Highly restricted personal information means an individual’s photograph or image, social security number, digitized signature, and medical and disability information.

  • Transaction Personal Information has the meaning ascribed thereto in Section 9.1;

  • Sensitive Personal Information or “SPI” means the information categories listed at Tex. Bus. & Com. Code § 521.002(2).

  • Restricted Information means any information which is disclosed to one party to this Agreement by the other pursuant to or in connection with this Agreement (whether orally or in writing, and whether or not such information is expressly stated to be confidential or marked as such);

  • Nonpublic Personal Information means nonpublic personal financial information and nonpublic personal health information.

  • Restricted Global Note means a Global Note bearing the Private Placement Legend.

  • Restricted Client means any person, firm, corporation or other organization to whom the Participant directly or indirectly performed or assisted in performing Relevant Services, or with which the Participant otherwise had material contact, or about which the Participant learned Confidential Information or Trade Secrets, within the twenty-four months prior to the date on which the Participant’s employment with the Constituent Companies terminated.

  • Confidential personal information means a party’s or a party’s child’s Social Security number; date of birth; driver license number; any other names used, now or in the past; and employer’s name, address, and telephone number.

  • Restrictive procedures means the use of physical holding or seclusion of children with disabilities in an emergency. Because the special education director reported the district intends to continue the use of physically holding children with disabilities in an emergency, the district is required to maintain and make publicly accessible a restrictive procedures plan (RPP) for children with disabilities. Minnesota Statute requires that the plan must, at least, list the restrictive procedures the school intends to use; describe how the school will monitor and review the use of restrictive procedures; and include a written description and documentation of the training school personnel completed.

  • Company Personal Data means any Personal Data Processed by a Contracted Processor on behalf of Company pursuant to or in connection with the Principal Agreement;

  • Sensitive Personal Data * means personal data revealing racial or ethnic origin, political opinions, religious or philosophical beliefs, or trade union membership, and the processing of genetic data, biometric data, data concerning health, an individual’s sex life or sexual orientation and an individual’s criminal convictions.

  • Restricted Transaction means any of the following transactions or transmit- tals involving any credit, funds, instru- ment, or proceeds that the Act pro- hibits any person engaged in the busi- ness of betting or wagering (which does not include the activities of a financial transaction provider, or any inter- active computer service or tele- communications service) from know- ingly accepting, in connection with the participation of another person in un- lawful Internet gambling—

  • Transfer Restricted Global Notes means Global Notes that bear or are required to bear or are subject to the Restricted Notes Legend.

  • Non-Public Personal Information about a Shareholder shall mean (i) personally identifiable financial information; (ii) any list, description, or other grouping of consumers that is derived from using any personally identifiable information that is not publicly available; and (iii) any other information that the Transfer Agent is prohibited from using or disclosing pursuant to Regulation S-P under Section 504 of the Gramm Xxxxx Xxxxxx Act.

  • Restricted Global Notes means 144A Global Notes and Regulation S Global Notes.

  • Restricted Broker-Dealer Any Broker-Dealer which holds Broker-Dealer Transfer Restricted Securities.

  • Confidential Data used in connection with their businesses. “Personal Data” means (i) a natural person’s name, street address, telephone number, e-mail address, photograph, social security number or tax identification number, driver’s license number, passport number, credit card number, bank information, or customer or account number; (ii) any information which would qualify as “personally identifying information” under the Federal Trade Commission Act, as amended; (iii) “personal data” as defined by GDPR; (iv) any information which would qualify as “protected health information” under the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996, as amended by the Health Information Technology for Economic and Clinical Health Act (collectively, “HIPAA”); (v) any “personal information” as defined by the California Consumer Privacy Act (“CCPA”); and (vi) any other piece of information that allows the identification of such natural person, or his or her family, or permits the collection or analysis of any data related to an identified person’s health or sexual orientation. There have been no breaches, violations, outages or unauthorized uses of or accesses to same, except for those that have been remedied without material cost or liability or the duty to notify any other person, nor any incidents under internal review or investigations relating to the same. The Company and its subsidiaries are presently in material compliance with all applicable laws or statutes and all judgments, orders, rules and regulations of any court or arbitrator or governmental or regulatory authority, internal policies and contractual obligations relating to the privacy and security of IT Systems, Confidential Data, and Personal Data and to the protection of such IT Systems, Confidential Data, and Personal Data from unauthorized use, access, misappropriation or modification.

  • State Confidential Information means any and all State Records not subject to disclosure under CORA. State Confidential Information shall include, but is not limited to, PII, PHI, PCI, Tax Information, CJI, and State personnel records not subject to disclosure under CORA. State Confidential Information shall not include information or data concerning individuals that is not deemed confidential but nevertheless belongs to the State, which has been communicated, furnished, or disclosed by the State to Contractor which (i) is subject to disclosure pursuant to CORA; (ii) is already known to Contractor without restrictions at the time of its disclosure to Contractor; (iii) is or subsequently becomes publicly available without breach of any obligation owed by Contractor to the State; (iv) is disclosed to Contractor, without confidentiality obligations, by a third party who has the right to disclose such information; or (v) was independently developed without reliance on any State Confidential Information.

  • Confidential or Proprietary Information means any secret, confidential or proprietary information of the Company or an affiliate (not otherwise included in the definition of a Trade Secret under this Employment Agreement) that has not become generally available to the public by the act of one who has the right to disclose such information without violation of any right of the Company or its affiliates.

  • Restricted Geographic Area is defined as all countries, territories, parishes, municipalities and states in which Company is doing business or is selling its products at the time of termination of Employee’s employment with Company, including but not limited to every parish and municipality in the state of Louisiana. Employee acknowledges that this geographic scope is reasonable given Employee's position with Company, the international scope of Company's business; and the fact that Employee could compete with Company from anywhere Company does business.

  • non-personal data means data other than personal data as defined in point (1) of Article 4 of Regulation (EU) 2016/679;

  • Confidential Information has the meaning set forth in Section 6.1.

  • Student Personal Information means information collected through a school service that personally identifies an individual student or other information collected and maintained about an individual student that is linked to information that identifies an individual student, as identified by Washington Compact Provision 28A.604.010. For purposes of this DPA, Student Personal Information is referred to as Student Data.

  • Company Confidential Information means information (including any and all combinations of individual items of information) that the Company has or will develop, acquire, create, compile, discover or own, that has value in or to the Company’s business which is not generally known and which the Company wishes to maintain as confidential. Company Confidential Information includes both information disclosed by the Company to me, and information developed or learned by me during the course of my employment with the Company. Company Confidential Information also includes all information of which the unauthorized disclosure could be detrimental to the interests of the Company, whether or not such information is identified as Company Confidential Information. By example, and without limitation, Company Confidential Information includes any and all non-public information that relates to the actual or anticipated business and/or products, research or development of the Company, or to the Company’s technical data, trade secrets, or know-how, including, but not limited to, research, product plans, or other information regarding the Company’s products or services and markets therefor, customer lists and customers (including, but not limited to, customers of the Company on which I called or with which I may become acquainted during the term of my employment), software, developments, inventions, discoveries, ideas, processes, formulas, technology, designs, drawings, engineering, hardware configuration information, marketing, finances, and other business information disclosed by the Company either directly or indirectly in writing, orally or by drawings or inspection of premises, parts, equipment, or other Company property. Notwithstanding the foregoing, Company Confidential Information shall not include any such information which I can establish (i) was publicly known or made generally available prior to the time of disclosure by the Company to me; (ii) becomes publicly known or made generally available after disclosure by the Company to me through no wrongful action or omission by me; or (iii) is in my rightful possession, without confidentiality obligations, at the time of disclosure by the Company as shown by my then-contemporaneous written records; provided that any combination of individual items of information shall not be deemed to be within any of the foregoing exceptions merely because one or more of the individual items are within such exception, unless the combination as a whole is within such exception. I understand that nothing in this Agreement is intended to limit employees’ rights to discuss the terms, wages, and working conditions of their employment, as protected by applicable law.

  • Educational data means data maintained by the school district which relates to a student.

  • Restricted Transfer a transfer of Personal Data which is undergoing processing or which is intended to be processed after transfer, to a country or territory to which such transfer is prohibited or subject to any requirement to take additional steps to adequately protect the Personal Data processed under this Agreement for the transfer to be lawful under the Data Protection Legislation;