Routine patient care costs means Covered Medical Expenses which are typically provided absent a clinical trial and not otherwise excluded under the Policy. Routine patient care costs do not include:
In Patient Care means treatment for which the insured person has to stay in a hospital for more than 24 hours for a covered event.
Inpatient care means treatment for which the insured person has to stay in a hospital for more than 24 hours for a covered event.
Routine Patient Costs means all health care services that are otherwise covered under the Group Contract for the treatment of cancer or other Life-threatening Condition that is typically covered for a patient who is not enrolled in an Approved Clinical Trial.
Direct Patient Care means the provision of health care services provided directly to individuals being treated for or suspected of having physical or mental illnesses. Direct patient care includes both, face-to-face and telehealth-based preventative care and first-line supervision.
Patient care team physician means a physician who is actively licensed to practice medicine in the
Urgent Care means treatment for a condition that is not a threat to life or limb but does require prompt medical attention. Also, the severity of an urgent condition does not necessitate a trip to the hospital emergency room. An Urgent Care facility is a freestanding facility that is not a physician’s office and which provides Urgent Care.
Hospice patient s family" means a hospice patient's immediate family members, including a spouse, brother, sister, child, or parent, and any other relative or individual who has significant personal ties to the patient and who is designated as a member of the patient's family by mutual agreement of the patient, the relative or individual, and the patient's interdisciplinary team.
Routine care means medical care which is not urgent or emergent in nature and can wait for a regularly scheduled physician appointment without risk of permanent damage to the patient’s life or health status. The condition requiring routine care is not likely to substantially worsen without immediate clinical intervention.
Long-term inpatient care means inpatient services for
Finished Services means complete end-to-end services offered by CenturyLink to wholesale customers or retail End User Customers. Finished Services do not include Unbundled Network Elements or combinations of Unbundled Network Elements. Finished Services include Access Services, private lines, retail services, and resold services.
Outpatient hospital services means preventive, diagnostic, therapeutic, observation, rehabilitation, or palliative services provided to an outpatient by or under the direction of a physician, dentist, or other practitioner by an institution that:
Pharmacy services means the practice of pharmacy as defined in chapter 18.64 RCW and includes any drugs or devices as defined in chapter 18.64 RCW.
Clinical nurse specialist means a registered nurse with relevant post-basic qualifications and 12 months’ experience working in the clinical area of his/her specified post-basic qualification, or a minimum of four years’ post-basic registration experience, including three years’ experience in the relevant specialist field and who satisfies the local criteria.
Outpatient services means those services rendered in a practitioner’s office or in the department of an approved facility where services are rendered to persons who have not had an overnight stay and are not charged for room and board.
Database Management System (DBMS) A system of manual procedures and computer programs used to create, store and update the data required to provide Selective Routing and/or Automatic Location Identification for 911 systems. Day: A calendar day unless otherwise specified. Dedicated Transport: UNE transmission path between one of CenturyLink’s Wire Centers or switches and another of CenturyLink’s Wire Centers or switches within the same LATA and State that are dedicated to a particular customer or carrier. Default: A Party’s violation of any material term or condition of the Agreement, or refusal or failure in any material respect to properly perform its obligations under this Agreement, including the failure to make any undisputed payment when due. A Party shall also be deemed in Default upon such Party’s insolvency or the initiation of bankruptcy or receivership proceedings by or against the Party or the failure to obtain or maintain any certification(s) or authorization(s) from the Commission which are necessary or appropriate for a Party to exchange traffic or order any service, facility or arrangement under this Agreement, or notice from the Party that it has ceased doing business in this State or receipt of publicly available information that signifies the Party is no longer doing business in this State.
Collaborative drug therapy management means participation by an authorized pharmacist and a physician in the management of drug therapy pursuant to a written community practice protocol or a written hospital practice protocol.
Preventive Care means certain Preventive Care services.
Inpatient services means services provided to you as an admitted inpatient in a recognised private or public hospital for treatment that is in an included clinical category, has a Medicare item number allocated and a Medicare benefit is payable.
Inpatient hospital services means any health care service provided to a patient who has been admitted to a hospital and is required to remain in that hospital overnight, but does not include any secure forensic mental health services;
Disinfection profile means a summary of daily Giardia lamblia inactivation through the treatment plant. The procedure for developing a disinfection profile is contained in s. NR 810.32.
Drug therapy management means the review of a drug therapy regimen of a patient by one or more pharmacists for the purpose of evaluating and rendering advice to one or more practitioners regarding adjustment of the regimen.
Palliative care means medical service rendered to reduce or moderate temporarily the intensity of an otherwise stable medical condition, but does not include those medical services ren- dered to diagnose, heal or permanently alleviate or eliminate a medical condition.
Pharmacy care means medications prescribed by a licensed physician and any health-related
Respiratory care means the practice of the allied health profession responsible for the direct and
Pharmacist services means products, goods, and services, or any combination of products, goods, and services, provided as a part of the practice of pharmacy.