RQU definition

RQU means Radio Queen’s University, the broadcast license holder which has effective control of the station, as defined by the CRTC and is known by its common name, CFRC;

Examples of RQU in a sentence

  • A RQU will place the device/gauge shutter into the "off"/"stored" position and affix a radiation lock and tag to ensure the source stays in the "off"/"stored" position during this operation.

  • A RQU will perform a survey at the detector before and after the shutter on the device/gauge is put in the "off"/"stored" position.

  • Now letU Mi∼ be the equivalence relation on X where ƒ ∼ g if {i : ƒ (i) = g(i)} ∈ QU (thebe the structure whose universe is X/∼ and where we interpret the constants, relations, and functions of L as follows:• For each constant symbol c of L we let cQU Mi = [i '→ cMi ]∼• For each relation symbol R of L, we let RQU Mi ([ƒ1]∼, .

  • Continued disagreements between the Club Executive and the general Club membership over the suspension or expulsion of a member shall be referred to the RQU Board of Directors.

  • The RSO or ARSO will contact a RQU to complete a receiving survey of the package.

  • Disputes between the Club Executive and the station management shall be referred to the RQU Board of Directors.

  • The government regulations, policy implications and anti-trust measures are categorized as environmental barriers.

  • To represent CFRC programmers and other volunteers to the management of the station on the RQU Board and Human Resources Committee.

  • A., Ca li , Co-lo m bi a (Ced u l a No. 14972401 (Colo m bi a)) ( i n- divid u a l) [ S DN T]MA RQU E Z CANOVA S , Albe r t o, c/o INMOBI L IA R IA U.

  • The RQU will then perform a survey at the detector and record this reading on the Radioactive Device/Gauge Survey Form (Attachment E).

Related to RQU

  • STIP means the Company’s short-term incentive plan under Section 8 of the Company’s 2007 Omnibus Incentive Plan, effective May 8, 2007, as may be amended from time to time, or any successor plan, program or arrangement thereto.

  • I don t know what that means.”

  • Non-Participating Optometrist means an Optometrist who does not have a written agreement with the Claim Administrator or another Blue Cross and/or Blue Shield Plan to provide services to you at the time services are rendered.

  • Bid incentive means an amount deducted, for bid evaluation purposes only, from the contract base bid in order to calculate the bid price to be used to evaluate the bid on a competitively bid contract.

  • Participating Optometrist means an Optometrist who has a written agreement with the Claim Administrator or another Blue Cross and/or Blue Shield Plan to provide services to you at the time services are rendered.

  • Period of Employment shall include any extension thereof pursuant to the preceding sentence. Provision of notice that the Period of Employment shall not be extended or further extended, as the case may be, shall not constitute a breach of this Agreement and shall not constitute “Good Reason” for purposes of this Agreement. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the Period of Employment is subject to earlier termination as provided below in this Agreement.

  • Female employee means an employed female who is pregnant or is caring for a child she has borne or a child who has been placed with her for adoption purposes.

  • MIP has the meaning set forth in Section 3(b) of the Agreement.

  • HCD means the California Department of Housing and Community Development.

  • Year of Employment means a period of service of 12 months.

  • Regular Full-Time Employee means an employee who is appointed to a regularly scheduled position and is regularly scheduled to work full-time in accordance with Article 14 (Hours of Work and Scheduling). A regular full-time employee is entitled to all of the benefits outlined in the agreement except where otherwise specified.

  • Male employee means an employed male who is caring for a child borne of his spouse or a child placed with the employee for adoption purposes.

  • Severance Period means the period of time commencing on the date of an occurrence of a Change of Control and continuing until the earlier of (i) the date which is one and one-half years following the occurrence of the Change of Control, and (ii) the Executive's death.

  • Number of Employees enter the total number of Employees in the employment category employed to provide services under the Contract during the report period, including part time Employees and Employees of subcontractors.

  • TIP is the Tax Indemnity Payment, before the deduction of applicable federal, state and local withholding taxes;

  • Non-Participating Retail Health Clinic means a Retail Health Clinic which does not have a written agreement with the Claim Administrator or another Blue Cross and/or Blue Shield Plan to provide services to you at the time services are rendered.

  • Leave Salary means the monthly amount paid by the University to an employee who is on leave.

  • STI means Sexually Transmitted Infection;

  • Life sciences means science for the examination or understanding of life or life processes, including, but not limited to, all of the following:

  • Incentive means a term or condition whose purpose is to motivate the Contractor to provide supplies or services at lower costs, and in certain instances with improved delivery or technical performance, by relating the amount of profit or fee earned to the Contractor’s performance.

  • EDSP means the Exchange Delivery Settlement Price and has the meaning attributed to it in Rule PPPP.5.

  • Flexi Plan means any individual indemnity hospital insurance plan under the VHIS framework with enhancement(s) to any or all of the protections or terms and benefits that the Standard Plan provides to the Policy Holder and the Insured Person, subject to certification by the Government. Such plan shall not contain terms and benefits which are less favourable than those in the Standard Plan, save for the exception as may be approved by the Government from time to time.

  • AIP means the Company's Annual Incentive Plan as it exists on the date hereof and as it may be amended, supplemented or modified from time to time or any successor plan.

  • Bonus Target means the annual bonus that the Executive would have received in a fiscal year under the AIP Plan and/or the EIC Plan, if the target goals had been achieved.

  • Incentive Compensation means any compensation that is granted, earned or vested based wholly or in part upon the attainment of a Financial Reporting Measure.

  • Separation Date has the meaning set forth in the Separation Agreement.