STIP definition
Examples of STIP in a sentence
Statewide Transportation Improvement Program (STIP) and/or Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) Requirement.
FHWA/FTA approval of the TIP is through the STIP approval process.
Therefore, per CRRSAA requirements, no Statewide Transportation Improvement Program (STIP) or Transportation Improvement Plan (TIP) documentation is needed.
Therefore, per CARES Act requirements, no Statewide Transportation Improvement Program (STIP) or Transportation Improvement Plan (TIP) documentation is needed.
States, MPOs, designated recipients, and public agencies that administer or operate major modes of transportation should set up a cycle that is conducive to and coordinated with the metropolitan and statewide planning processes, to ensure that selected projects are included in the TIP and STIP, to receive funds in a timely manner.