Runner definition
Runner means as defined in Section 38‑53‑10.
Runner or “floorwalker" means an employee engaged in carrying garments or parts of garments from one place to another within the workplace;
Runner means a person employed by a bail bondsman for the purpose of assisting the bail bondsman in presenting the defendant in court when required, assisting in the apprehension and surrender of the defendant to the court, keeping the defendant under necessary surveillance, and executing bonds on behalf of the licensed bondsman when the power of attorney has been recorded. "Runner" does not include an attorney or a law enforcement officer assisting a bondsman.
Examples of Runner in a sentence
BIN RABBIT may terminate this Agreement and deactivate CONTRACTOR’S Bin Runner account only for the reasons set forth in the BIN RABBIT Deactivation Policy, or for a material breach of this Agreement.
More Definitions of Runner
Runner means a person who, for a pecuniary benefit, procures or
Runner. “capper,” or “steerer: means a person who for a pecuniary gain directly procures or solicits prospective patients or clients through telephonic, electronic, or written communication, or in-person contact, at the direction of, or in cooperation with, a health care provider when the person knows or has reason to know that the provider's purpose is to fraudulently perform or obtain services or benefits under or relating to a contract of motor vehicle insurance. The term runner, capper, or steerer does not include a person who solicits or procures clients either through public media, or consistent with the requirements of section 65B.54, subdivision 6.
Runner. , "capper", or "steerer" means a person who receives a pecuniary or other benefit from a practitioner, whether directly or indirectly, for procuring or attempting to procure a client, patient, or customer at the direction or request of, or in cooperation with, a practitioner whose intent is to obtain benefits under a contract of insurance or to assert a claim against an insured or an insurer for providing services to the client, patient, or customer. Runner, capper, or steerer does not include a practitioner who procures clients, patients, or customers through the use of public media.
Runner means an employee who performs unskilled duties such as conveying form one point to the other, materials used in garment manufacture;
Runner means a Runner. – A person employed by a bail bondsman for the purpose of assisting the bail bondsman in presenting the defendant in court when required, or to assistassisting in the apprehension and surrender of defendant to the court, or keeping the defendant under necessary surveillance, or to execute executing bonds on behalf of the licensed bondsman when the power of attorney has been duly recorded. "Runner" does not include, however, include a duly licensed attorney-at-law or a law-enforcement officer assisting a bondsman.