Salary Steps Sample Clauses

Salary Steps. 1. Employees hired into trainee-level positions (Targeted Local Hire) shall be hired at Step 1 and shall remain on Step 1 for the duration of a twelve (12) month probationary period. 2. Employees hired into non-trainee positions shall be hired at Step 2 (or appropriate higher step in accordance with applicable MOU provisions or LAAC Section 4.90). 3. Employees shall remain on Steps 2 and 3 for nine (9) months each. 4. Steps 4 through 8 are separated by two (2) premium levels (Step 4 is one [1] premium level above Step 3). Employees shall advance to each subsequent step after twelve (12) months. 5. Steps 9 through 12 are separated by one (1) premium level (Step 9 is one [1] premium level above Step 8). Employees shall advance to each subsequent step after twelve (12) months.
Salary Steps. Increment or step increases are included in the wage and salary schedule to recognize changes in responsibility based upon assignment and to reward length of service.
Salary StepsEffective December 13, 2015, notwithstanding LAAC Section 4.92, a new 12-step salary structure will be established as follows: 1. Three additional salary steps will be added to the lower end of each salary range (Steps 1, 2, and 3). These new steps shall be separated by one premium level.* a. Employees hired into trainee-level positions shall be hired at Step 1 and shall remain on Step 1 for the duration of a twelve (12) month probationary period. Trainee-level position hourly wages will begin one premium level below the entry level of the targeted Civil Service classification which will not be below $15.00 per hour. b. Employees hired into non-trainee positions shall be hired at Step 2 (or appropriate higher step in accordance with applicable MOU provisions or LAAC Section 4.90). c. Employees shall remain on Steps 2 and 3 for nine (9) months each. 2. Current Steps 1 through 5 will be renumbered Steps 4 through 8. These steps will be separated by two premium levels (Step 4 will be one premium level above Step 3). Employees shall advance to each subsequent step after twelve (12) months. 3. Current Steps 6 through 8 will be renumbered Steps 9 through 11. These steps will be separated by one premium level (Step 9 will be one premium level above Step 8). Employees shall advance to each subsequent step after twelve (12) months. 4. A new Step 12 will be created which will be one premium level above Step
Salary Steps. Advancement within the salary schedule specified for a unit member’s classification shall be on the basis of one (1) year's satisfactory service, as evidenced by a performance evaluation in the classification, without having received during that one year a step increase in salary. A salary step increase for a unit member who is entitled to such an increase shall be effective at the beginning of the pay period closest to the anniversary date of appointment in such classification falls, provided, however, that a unit member who has demonstrated outstanding achievement in the public service may receive a step increase at an interval other than set forth above.
Salary Steps. 1. Steps 1 through 3 are separated by one (1) premium level.* Step placement is as follows: a. Employees hired into trainee-level, Targeted Local Hire Program (TLHP) positions shall be hired at Step 1 and shall remain on Step 1 for the duration of 12 months (consists of a 6-month on-the-job training period and a 6-month probationary period). The hourly wages of TLHP positions will begin one (1) premium level below the entry level of the targeted Civil Service classification which will not be below $15.00 per hour. b. Employees hired into non-TLHP positions shall be hired at Step 2 (or appropriate higher step in accordance with applicable MOU provisions or Section 4.90 (Salary Step Placement on Initial Appointment to City Service) of the LAAC). c. Employees shall remain on Steps 2 and 3 for nine (9) months each. 2. Steps 4 through 8 are separated by two (2) premium levels (Step 4 is one [1] premium level above Step 3). Employees shall advance to each subsequent step after 12 months. 3. Steps 9 through 12 are separated by one (1) premium level (Step 9 is one [1] premium level above Step 8). Employees shall advance to each subsequent step after 12 months. *On the City’s salary range tables, each premium level is equal to approximately 2.75%.
Salary Steps. Only 5.4.1 and 5.4.3 (as modified below) apply.
Salary Steps. Advancement within the salary schedule specified for a unit member’s classification shall be on the basis of completion of two thousand eighty (2080) hours of continuous service time in such classification without having received during said two thousand eighty (2080) hours of service time a step increase in salary. A salary step increase for a unit member who is entitled to such an increase shall be effective at the beginning of the pay period in which the unit member completed the required continuous service time.
Salary Steps. 1. Employees shall receive a salary step advancement upon each anniversary date of their appointment to the City and annually thereafter until they are at the maximum of the salary range for their classification as specified by the appropriate Salary Schedule. Each salary step advancement shall continue to be five percent (5%) up through June 30, 2015. Starting on July 1, 2015, salary step advancements shall drop to four percent (4%) or if there is less than a four percent gap between the employee’s salary and the maximum of the salary range for the classification – that percentage amount that increases the employee’s salary to the maximum of the salary range for the classification. 2. Employees shall receive their salary step advancement unless the City can show legitimate reason for denial of the salary step advancement. Legitimate reason for denial includes, but is not limited to, an extended sick leave absence of 1,040 hours or more, disciplinary action equivalent to a suspension, or three (3) documented and substantial reports of unsatisfactory performance. 3. Employees shall be informed in writing of the specific reason(s) for the denial of any salary step advancement and may grieve that denial through the City Manager level of the grievance procedure in this agreement.
Salary Steps. 1. There are five (5) steps within the salary range for each position, with a 5% increment between the steps. The time between Entrance Step A and Step B is six (6) months of satisfactory service in Step A. The time between Step B and Step C is six (6) months of satisfactory service in Step B. The time between Step C and Step D is one (1) year of satisfactory service in Step C, and the time between Step D and Step E is one (1) year of satisfactory service in Step D. 2. Unless special conditions warrant otherwise, an employee promoted to a higher position will receive the minimum salary for the higher position nearest a 5% increase (not less than 4.9%) above the employee's former position, whichever is higher, provided the increase is within the range of the higher position. If a promotion is awarded within thirty days of a scheduled step increase, the step increase and promotional increase will both be effective at the time of the change. Hiring at a higher salary step will require justification from the Hiring Manager and approval of the EO. 3. If a position is reclassified, a competitive recruitment will occur and the salary placement of the selected employee will be in accordance with subsection 2 above. 4. If a position is reclassified to a position having a lower salary range, the incumbent will be Y-rated according to the provision section 7.05. 5. If an employee is transferred, the employee will remain in the same step of the salary range effective prior to the transfer. 6. Any employee who has passed through the initial probationary period with the District and who is promoted or transfers to another position in the District shall not be subject to any “up or out” probation. Such an employee may be terminated for cause. However, if an employee is promoted prior to the completion of his/her initial probation period, the employee must successfully complete the full probationary period designated for the higher classification before attaining regular status. 7. If an employee is demoted for disciplinary reasons to a position having a lower salary range, the employee will be placed in the new range at the step held prior to the demotion. 8. If an employee is demoted because of lack of funds, the employee will be placed in the salary step in the new range that reflects the least decrease in salary. If an employee promoted to a higher class fails to pass a promotional probationary period, the employee will be returned to a position in the formerly held c...
Salary Steps. The steps of the salary range shall be interpreted and applied as follows. The second, third, fourth and fifth salary steps are incentive adjustments to encourage an employee to continue to improve his/her work. There shall be a five (5) percent differential between each of the five (5) steps. 1. The first salary step is the minimum rate and will normally be the hiring rate. Appointment may be made to other than the normal entering salary step upon the recommendation of the department head and upon the approval of the City Manager, when it is decided that such action is in the best interests of the City. 2. The second salary step: Six (6) months of satisfactory service, normally, shall make an employee eligible for consideration for this salary advancement. This salary advancement shall be made only if recommended by the department head and if approved by the City Manager. 3. The third salary step: Twelve (12) months of satisfactory service at the second salary step, normally shall make an employee eligible for consideration for this salary advancement. This salary advancement shall be made only if recommended by the department head and if approved by the City Manager. 4. The fourth salary step: Twelve (12) months of satisfactory service at the third step normally shall make an employee eligible for consideration for this salary advancement. This salary advancement shall be made only if recommended by the department head and if approved by the City Manager. 5. The fifth salary step: Twelve (12) months of satisfactory service at the fourth step normally shall make an employee eligible for consideration for this salary advancement. This salary advancement shall be made only if recommended by the department head and if approved by the City Manager.