Section One definition

Section One. The Xxxxxxxxxx County Government (County) recognizes the Xxxxxxxxxx County Volunteer Fire and Rescue Association (MCVFRA or Association) as the duly authorized representative of the Local Fire and Rescue Departments (LFRD) in the direct negotiation process set forth in Chapter 21-6 of the Xxxxxxxxxx County Code.
Section One. Of the Leased Real Estate or Premises
Section One. Cover For Your Vehicle’, for incidental road usage in connection with the restoration of the vehicle only;

Examples of Section One in a sentence

  • Definitions that are the same as in Section One are NOT repeated in this Section.

  • Definitions different than those in Section One are included under the respective reason for leave.

  • Proposals will be received and receipt verified by two or more procurement officials on or after the date and time specified in Section One, or as amended.

  • III.2.1. Section One: administrative proposal This section must provide the following information, set out in the standard identification forms attached to these tender specifications (Annexes 1, 2 and 3): • Tenderers’ identification (Annex 1)− All tenderers must provide proof of registration, as prescribed in their country of establishment, on one of the professional or trade registers or provide a declaration or certificate.

  • Additional terms and conditions applicable to all competitions are included in Section One.

More Definitions of Section One

Section One. NAME: A corporation (Sociedad Anonima) is hereby constituted under the name of IMPSAT SOCIEDAD ANONIMA which shall be governed by these By-Laws and other legal provisions and regulations that may apply.--------------------- 4 SECTION TWO: LIFE: The Company shall last ninety nine years computed from the date of its recording with the Commercial Court of Record. This term may be extended.------------------- SECTION THREE: DOMICILE: The Company establishes its registered office in the jurisdiction of the City of Buenos Aires and by decision of the Board of Directors may establish branches, agencies, representative offices and any other kind of commercial, administrative or operating office, in any other place of Argentina or abroad.-------------------------------- SECTION FOUR: PURPOSE: The corporate purpose of the Company shall be the research, development, manufacture, supply, installation, operation, maintenance, repair, improvement, acquisition and leasing of telecommunication equipment, systems, proceedings or instruments, as well as the management, promotion, exploitation and rendering of telecommunication services for data, voice and video transmission in all its aspects and possibilities, including the transmission, emission or reception of signs, signals, texts, images, sounds or information of any kind and generally the rendering of any other service, media or activity supplementary, subsidiary or ancillary to such telecommunications; all that within the framework of the laws and regulations governing telecommunications. In order to attain its corporate purpose, the Company may carry out all acts and activities directly or indirectly connected thereto, on its own account or on the account of third parties, by itself or through representatives, agents, correspondents, licencees and third parties in general. To such an end, without limitation and without restricting any of the powers necessary for the fulfilment of its corporate purpose, the Company may: a) Execute any kind of agreement, contract or juridical act with or before official agencies, bodies, whether centralized or decentralized, self-administered entities, state owned companies or enterprises, whether national, provincial, municipal, from the country, binational or foreign; arrange and accept before governmental powers, concessions, permits, authorizations, licences, privileges, exemptions and as many facilities may assist either directly or indirectly to the best attainment of its corpor...
Section One. Cover For Your Vehicle’, including while it is being loaded, unloaded or transported on a trailer, provided that the vehicle is secured to withstand the ordinary rigors of transportation. There is no cover: 1. where and whilst the vehicle engine is running, or 2. where loss results from fire, unless the fire: i. is ignited by a source external to the vehicle, or ii. ignition occurs more than 24 hours after the vehicle has been switched off, and
Section One. United Way Investment(s)
Section One. Governing Play: Protecting officials:
Section One. As of May 1st, 2003 the management fee to be paid to the Operator for services rendered to the Licensee will amount to 4% of the latter’s gross margin, as defined in section 17.1 of the Contract.
Section One. Cover For Your Vehicle’, and 2. ‘Section One – Automatic Extensions’, and
Section One. The Xxxxxxxxxx County Government (County) recognizes the