Senior citizen housing definition

Senior citizen housing means housing for individuals 62 years of age or older that is subsidized in whole or in part under any local, state, or federal program.
Senior citizen housing means any housing for senior citizens sponsored and administered by any public agency or any service club, place of worship or other non-business organization, either of which obtains financing from Federal, Provincial or Municipal Governments or agencies, or by public subscription or donation, or by any combination thereof, and such homes shall include auxiliary uses as club and lounge facilities, usually associated with senior citizens development.
Senior citizen housing means housing designed for and occupied by persons sixty-two years of age or over, which housing provides living unit accommodations and spaces for common social and recreational activities and which may include incidental facilities for health and nursing services.

Examples of Senior citizen housing in a sentence

  • Senior citizen housing developments, in addition to complying with the development standards for the zone in which they are located, shall comply with the following requirements.

  • Bed and breakfast Boarding home Child care facilityClubs and organizations Communal facility Construction camp Dwelling:Accessory Apartment Duplex Multi-unitSemi-detachedSingle-detached, prefabricated Dwelling groupExcavationGroup care facility Home occupation 2 Natural areaParks and playgrounds Senior citizen housing Signs, type 4, 9 StockpileUtilities 3.

  • Senior citizen housing developments may include facilities and services intended to meet the special needs of seniors with respect to minor and routine medical assistance, physical therapy, recreation therapy, nutrition, and similar support services.

  • Senior citizen housing developments are only required to provide a minimum of one covered space per one-bedroom unit and one covered space plus 0.5 covered or uncovered spaces per two- bedroom unit.

  • Senior citizen housing developments shall be located within reasonable walking distance proximity to the following services: food store, drugstore, public transit stop, beauty parlor and barber shop, bank, restaurants, and post office.

More Definitions of Senior citizen housing

Senior citizen housing means a housing development as defined in Civil Code Sections 51.3 and 51.12 or mobile home park that limits residency based on age requirements for housing for older persons pursuant to Civil Code Section
Senior citizen housing means a housing development in which all dwelling units are to be occupied by a person or persons age fifty-five or older; provided, however, that younger spouses shall be permitted.
Senior citizen housing means housing designed specifically for, and occupied solely by, senior citizens;
Senior citizen housing or “Senior Unit” means any residential dwelling unit within the Project designated as senior citizen housing, residential care facilities for the elderly or multi- level facilities for the elderly as described in California Government Code Section 65995.1 regardless of whether such residential dwelling unit is attached to or detached from other residential dwelling units.
Senior citizen housing means a housing development consistent with the California Fair Employment and Housing Act (Government Code Section 12900 et. Se., including 12955.9 in particular), which has been “designed to meet the physical and social needs of senior citizens,” and which otherwise qualifies as “housing for older persons” as that phrase is used in federal Fair Housing Amendments Act of 1988 (P.L. 100-430) and implementing regulations (24CFR, part 100, subpart E), and as that phrase is used in California Civil Code Section 51.2 and 51.3.
Senior citizen housing means a housing development consistent with the California Fair Employment and Housing Act (Government Code Section 12900 et seq., including 12955.9 in particular), which has been designed to meet the physical and social needs of senior citizens, and which otherwise qualifies as housing for older persons as that phrase is used in the federal Fair Housing Amendments Act of 1988 (P.L. 100-430) and implementing regulations (24 CFR, part 100, subpart E), and as defined in California Civil Code Section 51.2 and 51.3. The term Senior Citizen Housing also includes a mobile home park that limits residency based on age requirements pursuant to Section 798.76 or 799.5 of the Civil Code.
Senior citizen housing means a residential use providing for the accommodation of elderly persons by a corporation or organization duly constituted under the Societies Act.