Senior citizen housing definition
Examples of Senior citizen housing in a sentence
Senior citizen housing developments, in addition to complying with the development standards for the zone in which they are located, shall comply with the following requirements.
Bed and breakfast Boarding home Child care facilityClubs and organizations Communal facility Construction camp Dwelling:Accessory Apartment Duplex Multi-unitSemi-detachedSingle-detached, prefabricated Dwelling groupExcavationGroup care facility Home occupation 2 Natural areaParks and playgrounds Senior citizen housing Signs, type 4, 9 StockpileUtilities 3.
Senior citizen housing developments may include facilities and services intended to meet the special needs of seniors with respect to minor and routine medical assistance, physical therapy, recreation therapy, nutrition, and similar support services.
Senior citizen housing developments are only required to provide a minimum of one covered space per one-bedroom unit and one covered space plus 0.5 covered or uncovered spaces per two- bedroom unit.
Senior citizen housing developments shall be located within reasonable walking distance proximity to the following services: food store, drugstore, public transit stop, beauty parlor and barber shop, bank, restaurants, and post office.