Examples of Silver Bullion in a sentence
The Borrower is entitled to make an early repayment (full repayment) of the Loan Contract by giving Silver Bullion an early repayment notice via e-mail or secure notification on the Silver Bullion Website.
The Borrower may request for the Repayment through Collateral Liquidation of the Loan Contract by giving Silver Bullion a repayment notice via e-mail or secure notification on the Silver Bullion Website.
You shall inform us if a notification suggests unauthorised access to your records or Silver Bullion Account.
It is your responsibility to ensure that your personal information registered with Silver Bullion is accurate at all times.
Instructions once sent, in any form through your Silver Bullion Account (including instructions through the account’s secure notification function or registered email) will be final and irrevocable and it will not be possible to retrieve funds sent in error.
The price for such sale shall be the Index Price, a price obtained by deducting a certain price (which shall be a price agreed upon between the parties by reference to the differences between the retail prices and the buyout prices of Silver Bullion set by major domestic precious metal dealers engaged in sales of Silver Bullion) from the Index Price, or any other appropriate price.
You may not copy, imitate or use them in any of your documents, website(s) or other advertising materials/literature, be it in printed or electronic form, without the express written consent of Silver Bullion.
Payment of the Net Smelter Returns Royalty shall be due by the last day of the month following each calendar quarter in which Gold or Silver Bullion or Copper or Other Products are sold (the “Payment Date”).
In order to limit the knock-on effects of Late Payments, the Borrowers and Lenders agree that in case of a Late Payment by the Borrower, Silver Bullion is entitled (but not obliged)may to appoint a substitute party (“Sweeper”) to temporarily finance the shortfall and fund and effect the payment on behalf of the Borrower.
The issuance of payments from us to you will be in SGD or USD, by cheque, online bank transfer or credited to your Silver Bullion or Peer-to-Peer Account Balance.