Site A definition
Examples of Site A in a sentence
Packin g and forwar ding chargeInland transportation , insurance for a period including3 monthsdelivery, loading/ unloading and incidental cost till consignee site.(E)Incidental services ( includinginstallation & commissioning, supervision demonstration and training)at consignee site.Unit price ( at consignee site basis(G)Total unit price ( At Consignee Site) (A) (B) (C ) (D)G = A+B+ C+D+E+FBasis Col.
Packin g and forwar ding chargeInland transportation , insurance for a period including 3 months delivery, loading/ unloading and incidental cost till consignee site.(E)Incidental services ( includinginstallation & commissioning, supervision demonstration and training)at consignee site.Unit price ( at consignee site basis(G)Total unit price ( At Consignee Site) (A) (B) (C ) (D)G = A+B+ C+D+E+FBasis Col.
Site A school or a duty station where a unit member is assigned to perform job responsibility.
Aggregated Demand Site A group of Individual Demand Sites connected to the Transmission or Distribution System and represented by a Demand Side Unit Operator, which together are capable of a Demand Side Unit MW Capacity equal to or above 4 MW (and which is therefore subject to Central Dispatch from the TSO).
This event occurred once at Site A and once at Site B (80 data test points per investigational site removed).b) Deviation from the test plan at Site C, in which 24 slides in total were manually counterstained with hematoxylin following Bond Oracle HER2 IHC System staining.