SOW Term means the term of the SOW which shall begin on the commencement date stated in the relevant SOW and continue in effect for the agreed term or until the SOW Completion Date stated in the SOW unless terminated earlier pursuant to the Agreement.
SOW Term has the meaning given in Section 2.3.
Examples of SOW Term in a sentence
Expiry or termination of this Agreement and/or any other Statement of Work by either Party shall not terminate any Statement of Work outstanding at the date of expiry or termination, and any outstanding Statement of Work shall continue for the relevant SOW Term or until the Statement of Work has been terminated.
Each Statement of Work shall continue for the SOW Term unless terminated earlier in accordance with that Statement of Work and/or clause 12 (Termination).
More Definitions of SOW Term
SOW Term has the meaning defined in an SOW.
SOW Term has the meaning set out in Section 4.
SOW Term means the SOW Initial Term and any SOW Renewal Terms.
SOW Term has the meaning given in clause 11.1.
SOW Term means the period over which the Services and the Deliverables are provided as set out in a Statement of Work;