Specified Purpose shall have the meaning as ascribed in Clause 2.1.1.
Specified Purpose means for —
Specified Purpose means the purpose mentioned in the notice given by the Data Fiduciary to the Data Principal in accordance with the provisions of this Act and the rules made thereunder; and
Examples of Specified Purpose in a sentence
None of TWE nor any of its Associates makes or gives any representation or warranty, express or implied, that any Confidential Information is or will be complete or accurate or suitable for any particular purpose (including the Specified Purpose) or that it has been or will be audited or independently verified or that reasonable care has been or will be taken in preparing or compiling the Confidential Information.
Recipient intends to use the Confidential Information for the purpose of evaluating the potential acquisition of the Yankabilly Vineyard (Specified Purpose) C.
More Definitions of Specified Purpose
Specified Purpose means a purpose specified under section 2(3); “university authorisation” has the meaning assigned to it by section 2(1);
Specified Purpose means any purpose specified in the Eleventh Schedule to the Personal Data Protection Act 2012.
Specified Purpose means the purpose of exercising rights and of fulfilling obligations under a Transportation Agreement;
Specified Purpose means in respect of any particular Facility, the purpose of such Facility as specified in Clause 3.1;
Specified Purpose means taking measures required to address the temporary electricity emergency identified by the Commission, including but not limited to acquiring electricity generation plant and entering into agreements for that purpose;
Specified Purpose means the purpose for which the Relevant Information is shared and processed to facilitate the exercise of the Joint Functions and Reserved Functions as specified in Schedule 7 (Further Information Governance and Sharing Provisions) to this Agreement;
Specified Purpose means for the purpose of providing the Goods as set out in this Contract and as more specifically detailed in Schedule 1;