Examples of State procurement agency in a sentence
Third-Party entities include State procurement agency agreements, inter-agency agreements, group purchasing organizations, group buying organizations, and third-party vendors.
All information submitted in connection with the application may be disclosed to Federal, Tribal, State procurement agency considering furnishing contracts to this business.
ECHA’s Regulation follows very closely the Commission’s framework, with the exception, for example, of a provision allowing joint procurements with the Finnish State procurement agency.
One of the key objectives of the BMSICL is to act as the State procurement agency for all essential drugs, other consumables and equipments for all health care institutions under the above said Department.
Scope of Report The Board of Public Works must annually collect compliance reports from each State procurement agency and report to the Legislative Policy Committee on the amount of contracts awarded to veteran-owned small business and on the effectiveness of the program.5 Agencies 2The Veteran-Owned Small Business Program is independent of the long-standing Small Business Preference Program.
Scope of Report The Board of Public Works must annually collect compliance reports from each State procurement agency and report to the Legislative Policy Committee on the amount of contracts awarded to veteran-owned small business and on the effectiveness of the program.6 Agencies that are exempt from the State Procurement Law, such as the University System, are exempt from the Program and do not report their data to the Board.
Starting in 2007, the State procurement agency, Acopio, increased the prices it paid producers of selected agricultural products such as meat, milk, potatoes, and rice.
According to the provisions of MOU of February 2008 between MoH&FW, GoI and H&FW Department, GoO for implementation of the scheme, a Monitoring Committee (MC) was to be set up under the Chairmanship of Health Secretary of respective State Governments with Medical Superintendent of the concerned hospital, concerned officers of the State construction agency, concerned officers from State procurement agency and representative from GoI as members.
In the US, it has been used in the past by the Florida DoT and the New-York State procurement agency (Decarolis, 2018).Under one variant of the ABA procedure (there are many), all firms bid on discounts over a reserve price.