States Employment Board definition
Examples of States Employment Board in a sentence
The States Employment Board shall under this paragraph determine the pay, conditions and gratuities of the members of the Force, other than the Chief Officer and the Deputy Chief Officer.
The States Employment Board shall determine the scale of pay for each rank and the conditions of members of the Unit.
However, I must point out that the person in question in this case is not a civil servant and is not an employee of the States Employment Board.
It is proposed that the States Employment Board take a lead in developing a ‘whole children’s workforce approach’ across Departments.
In some regards, that, I hope, will answer why it is only a short second term because the H.R. Department is reviewing the role of the Appointments Commission and we hope shortly to be considering some proposals at the States Employment Board.
We come to P.99, the Draft Public Employees (Pension Scheme) (Transitional Provisions, Savings and Consequential Amendments) Regulations lodged by the States Employment Board.
Is that not the case that negotiations are absolutely not ongoing because there is a failure to agree, being declared at this very moment, between a number of unions and their employer, the States Employment Board; that the state we have is a failure to agree and the next thing is a ballot, either indicative or otherwise, for action?Senator A.K.F. Green:The officers met last night with a number of the unions and I have to say at the moment we are still in negotiation.
Thank you.Senator T.A. Le Sueur:That is not a matter for the States Employment Board; it is a matter which the States Employment Board has delegated at the start of its term of office to the Chief Executive of the States.
Any earlier deficiencies, if they have been rectified and are no longer relevant, surely cannot be a sound basis for which to originate a challenge on the current actions and effectiveness of the States Employment Board at this point in time.
In other words, not formally been recorded by the States Employment Board.