Steering Committee Member definition

Steering Committee Member means a Participant serving on the Steering Committee at any given time, pursuant to the guidelines set forth in Section III, Paragraph 2(b). “Steering Committee Members” means the plural of Steering Committee Member.
Steering Committee Member has the meaning set forth in Section 2.15(a).
Steering Committee Member means a Steering Committee member duly appointed as per the Statutes and By-law 4.2.3.

Examples of Steering Committee Member in a sentence

  • The only passes that will be honored are SIJHSAA Board of Control Member Passes or Steering Committee Member Passes.*All other passes aren’t honored.

  • The Minutes of each Steering Committee Meeting shall customarily be transmitted by the "Secretary" to each Steering Committee Member and all COIA representatives within approximately four weeks after a Board Meeting (but no later than the date that the Notice of the next Steering Committee Meeting is given).

  • The only business that may be transacted at a Special Meeting are the matters that are referred to in the notice of the Special Meeting, which shall be sent to each Steering Committee Member (in the absence of an emergency or other compelling circumstances, as may be determined by the Steering Committee Chair in his/her discretion) at least one calendar day (24 hours) prior to the subject Special Meeting.

  • Recommendations to change or amend these by-laws may be made by any GA HMIS Steering Committee Member and shall be submitted at a regular meeting of the GA HMIS Steering Committee.

  • There shall be no limitation regarding the number of terms (consecutive on otherwise) that a Steering Committee Member may serve.

  • Notice of a regular Board Meeting shall be sent to each Steering Committee Member at least five calendar days prior to the meeting; provided, however, in the event of extraordinary circumstances, the minimum notice of a board meeting shall then be reduced to two calendar days.

  • The term of office of a Steering Committee Member (except for a replacement Steering Committee Member) shall commence immediately following election.

  • Mr. Metcalfe updated the board on past history of the Airport Compatibility Plan for Executive Airport and how it would apply today.

  • A Steering Committee Member may not split his or her vote on an issue.

  • The term of office of each Steering Committee Member (except for a replacement Steering Committee Member-­‐ See Article II, Sections D.

More Definitions of Steering Committee Member

Steering Committee Member and contact information (See Section [ ] of the Project Agreement): [ ] Executable Document IBM License Number: L065073
Steering Committee Member means the Head of respective Civil Aviation Administration of the Member State. ABBREVIATIONS ACSTEAerodrome Certification and Safety Training ExpertARASTAsia Regional Aviation Safety TeamASFPAgency Security Focal PointATSAir Traffic ServicesCASTCommercial Aviation Safety TeamCOSCAP-SACooperative Development of Operational Safety and Continuing Airworthiness Programme- South AsiaDGCADirector General of Civil AviationEASAEuropean Aviation Safety AgencyFAAFederal Aviation AdministrationFOEFlight Operations ExpertGANPGlobal Aviation Navigation PlanGASPGlobal Aviation Safety PlanGASRGlobal Aviation Safety RoadmapGSIGlobal Safety InitiativesICAOInternational Civil Aviation OrganizationIF&PMInstitutional Framework & Procedures ManualISSGIndustry Safety Strategy GroupIUSOAPICAO Universal Safety Oversight Audit ProgrammeJAAJoint Aviation AuthoritiesJSSIJoint Strategic Safety InitiativeMOUMemorandum of UnderstandingNARASTNorth Asia Regional Aviation Safety TeamNASTNational Aviation Safety Team NCNational CoordinatorOJTOn-the-Job TrainingPCProgramme CoordinatorPLEPersonnel Licensing ExpertRAIRegional Airworthiness InspectorRERegional Experts employed by COSCAP-SARE(HB)Regional Experts Home BasedRFOERegional Flight Operations ExpertRFOIRegional Flight Operations InspectorRFSIRegional Flight Safety InspectorsSARASTSouth Asia Regional Aviation Safety TeamSARPsStandards and Recommended PracticesSEARASTSouth East Asia Regional Aviation Safety TeamSCSteering CommitteeSCMSteering Committee MeetingTCBTechnical Cooperation Bureau (of ICAO)
Steering Committee Member has the meaning set forth in Section 2.15(a). "Tax Allocation Agreement" means that certain Tax Allocation Agreement, dated December 29, 1981, as amended, to which Southern, MESH and certain other Affiliates of Southern are parties. "Taxable Bond Indenture Trustee" means First Union National Bank, successor by merger to First Union National Bank of Georgia, as Trustee, under the Trust Indenture, dated as of August 1, 1995, as supplemented by the First Supplemental Indenture, dated as of August 1, 1995, with Mobile Energy Services Company, LLC and Mobile Energy Services Holdings, Inc. "Taxable Bonds" means the $255,210,000 aggregate principal amount of 8.665% First Mortgage Bonds due 2017 issued by MESC. "Tax Exempt Bond Indenture Trustee" means First Union National Bank, successor by merger to First Union National Bank of Georgia, as Trustee, under the Amended and Restated Trust Indenture, dated as of August 1, 1995, as supplemented by the Second Supplemental Trust Indenture, with the Industrial Development Board of the city of Mobile, Alabama. "Tax Exempt Bonds" means the $85,000,000 principal amount of 6.95% Solid Waste Revenue Refunding Bonds (Mobile Energy Services Company, L.L.C. Project) Series 1995 due 2020 issued by the Industrial Development Board of the City of Mobile, Alabama. "Technical Dispute" has the meaning set forth in Section 15.3(a). "Technical Dispute Notice" has the meaning set forth in Section 15.2. "Technical Expert" has the meaning set forth in Section 15.3(a). "Voting Stock" means capital stock issued by a corporation, or equivalent interests in any other Person (other than an individual), the holders of which are ordinarily, in the absence of contingencies, entitled to vote for the election of directors (or persons performing similar functions) of such Person, even if the right so to vote has been suspended by the happening of such a contingency. "Working Capital Facility" means the Revolving Credit Agreement, dated as of August 1, 1995, among MESC, MESH, the lenders named therein and Banque Paribas, as agent.
Steering Committee Member means a Regular Member elected in the Steering Committee in accordance with Clause 10.3.
Steering Committee Member means a member of the Society in good standing elected or appointed by the Interest Group members to provide leadership and support the work of the (Co)-Chair(s).
Steering Committee Member means a Steering Committee member duly

Related to Steering Committee Member

  • Committee Member means a member of the Committee.

  • Committee Members means persons formally appointed by the Board to sit on or to chair specific committees.

  • Steering Committee shall have the meaning set forth in Section 3.1.

  • Project Steering Committee or “PSC” means the committee referred to in Section I.B of Schedule 2 to this Agreement;

  • Joint Steering Committee or “JSC” has the meaning set forth in Section 3.1.

  • Development Committee has the meaning set forth in Article 3 of the Amended and Restated Research and Development Agreement.

  • Banning Committee means a Committee constituted for the purpose of these guidelines by the competent authority. The members of this Committee shall not, at any stage, be connected with the tendering process under reference.

  • Joint Development Committee or “JDC” has the meaning set forth in Section 3.10.

  • Joint Research Committee or “JRC” has the meaning set forth in Section 3.1.1.

  • Operating Committee means the Operating Committee of Epoch which meets frequently and is responsible for implementing the Company’s strategy, making operational decisions and overseeing the day-to-day running of the Company.

  • county executive committee member means the county executive committee member responsible for matters relating to land;

  • Managing Committee means the managing committee entrusted with the management of a trade union;

  • JSC has the meaning set forth in Section 3.1.

  • JRC has the meaning set forth in Section 2.2.

  • Research Committee shall have the meaning set forth in Section 2.1.

  • Project Committee has the meaning assigned to it in Section 6.1;

  • Joint Committee means the committee established under Article 19 [Joint Committee];

  • Management Committee means in the case of a Competition which is an unincorporated association, the management committee elected to manage the running of the Competition and where the Competition is incorporated it means the Board of Directors appointed in accordance with the articles of association of that company.

  • Coordinating Committee means the committee designated and elected as provided in section 16d in connection with a township consolidation.

  • Screening Committee means the State level Screening Committee constituted in terms of sub-rule (2) of rule 123 of these rules.

  • JMC has the meaning set forth in Section 3.01.

  • Development Team means the entities and professionals assembled to develop and manage the Project, typically including the Applicant, Owner, Developer(s), Co-Developer(s) and general partner or any other related entities in which the Developer or Co-Developer has an identity of interest or a Controlling Interest.

  • OPSI Advisory Committee means the committee established under Tariff, Attachment M, section III.G.

  • Procurement Committee means a Committee constituted by the Employer to perform the functions as such under the terms and conditions of Contract.

  • Hearing Committee means the committee appointed pursuant to this Plan to hear a request for an evidentiary hearing that has been properly filed and pursued by a practitioner.

  • Network Operating Committee means a group made up of representatives from the Network Customer(s) and the Transmission Provider established to coordinate operating criteria and other technical considerations required for implementation of Network Integration Transmission Service under Tariff, Part III.