Section 15.2 Sample Clauses
Section 15.2. 1. Step 1.
Section 15.2. 26 Salaries for employees subject to this Agreement, during the term of this Agreement, are contained in 27 Schedule A attached hereto and by this reference incorporated herein.
Section 15.2. 2 Salaries contained in Schedule A shall be for the entire term of this Agreement, subject to the terms and 3 conditions of Article XXI, Section 21.3. Should the date of execution of this Agreement be subsequent to 4 the effective date, salaries, including overtime, shall be retroactive to the effective date.
Section 15.2 contained herein shall be construed to prevent the District from discharging an employee for acts of 44 misconduct occurring after the expiration of the school year.
Section 15.2. 24 Grievance claims will be processed as rapidly as possible. The number of days indicated at each step 25 will be considered as maximum and every effort will be made to expedite the process. Time limits 26 under unusual circumstances may be extended by mutual consent. Failure of the employee(s) to 27 proceed with the grievance within time limits provided will result in dismissal of the grievance.
Section 15.2. 11 All provisions of this Agreement shall be applicable to the entire term of this Agreement 12 notwithstanding its execution date, except as provided in the previous Section.
Section 15.2. 16 Salaries for employees subject to this Agreement, during the term of this Agreement, are contained in 17 Schedule A attached hereto and by this reference incorporated herein.
Section 15.2. 41 In the event that an employee believes there is a basis for a grievance, the employee may first discuss the 42 alleged grievance with his/her building principal or other appropriate supervisor either personally or 43 accompanied by his/her Association representative. If the grievance is not thus resolved, formal grievance 44 procedures may be instituted. However, the exhaustion of the informal procedure is not a condition 45 precedent to invoking the formal grievance procedure.
Section 15.2. All employees in classifications subject to this Agreement who are not members of the 48 Association on the effective date of this Agreement and all employees in classifications subject to this 1 Agreement who are hired at a time subsequent to the effective date of this Agreement, shall, as a condition of 2 employment, become members in good standing of the Association within thirty (30) days of the effective date 3 of this Agreement or within thirty (30) days of the hire date, whichever is applicable. Such employee shall then 4 maintain membership in the Association in accordance with the pervious section.
Section 15.2. 14 Incremental steps, where applicable, shall take effect on September 1 of each year during the term of 15 this Agreement; provided, the employee has been actively employed as a regular employee for at least 16 fifty percent (50%) of the previous employment period. Step two (2) shall be awarded after 17 completion of five (5) years of service; Step three (3) shall be awarded after completion of nine (9) 18 years of service; Step four (4) shall be awarded after completion of fourteen (14) years of service and