Study Results definition

Study Results refers to any and all Information and any other material and results directly or indirectly arising from or in connection with the Study, regardless of whether the Study was aimed at yielding the relevant Study Results or whether they are ancillary in connection with the Study.
Study Results means the research findings, conclusions and other information arising from the performance of the Study;
Study Results refers to any and all Information and any other material and results directly or indirectly arising from or in connection with the Study, regardless of whether the Study was aimed at yielding the relevant Study Results or whether they are ancillary in connection with the Study. "Výsledky klinického hodnocení" jsou všechny informace a ostatní materiály a výsledky přímo či nepřímo zjištěné či odvozené v souvislosti s prováděním klinického hodnocení, a to bez ohledu na to zda klinické hodnocení bylo zaměřeno na získání relevantních výsledků nebo zda tyto výsledky byly získány náhodně či jako vedlejší zjištění při provádění klinického hodnocení.

Examples of Study Results in a sentence

  • Institution and Investigator may publish the Study Results only in accordance with this Section 9.

  • Security shall be calculated for New Service Requests based upon based upon Network Upgrades costs allocated pursuant to the Phase I System Impact Study Results.

  • The Sponsor may Publish a summary of the Study Results and conclusions on the Sponsor’s on-line Clinical Trial Register before or after Publication by another method.

  • Before submission for publication or presentation, Institution and/or Investigator shall allow SPONSOR not less than sixty (60) days to review any manuscript and not less than thirty (30) days to review any poster presentation, abstract or any other written or oral material which describes or discloses the Study Results.

  • Security shall be calculated for New Service Requests based upon based upon Network Upgrades costs allocated pursuant to the Phase II System Impact Study Results.

More Definitions of Study Results

Study Results means the information, Intellectual Property, materials and products arising out of or in connection with the Study, and other tangible or intangible results and data of, any research, development or other work undertaken by or on behalf of the Contractor;
Study Results means the results generated under the Study.
Study Results means all data, information, test results, laboratory notes, techniques, know-how and any other scientific and technical information that is obtained in the performance of the Studies by any Study Member. All Study Results obtained in the testing work performed hereunder shall be the property of the Sponsor. Subject to the provisions of this Agreement, Sponsor hereby grants to Laboratory a non-exclusive, non-transferable, royalty-free, limited license to the Study Results for its internal research purposes only.
Study Results has the meaning set forth in Section 3.9.
Study Results refers to aggregated or summarized Study Data and conclusions about the Study, as would be included in a study report or publication.
Study Results means any and all data, results and reports from any preclinical or clinical studies with respect to any Collaboration Product conducted hereunder, including all data, results and reports from each Phase I Clinical Trial conducted hereunder and all interim reports and the final report generated therefrom.
Study Results means all work product and results (including all information, material, results, devices, solutions, know-how and intellectual property) first generated by and during the Feasibility Study.