Examples of Submitted Data in a sentence
Correction of Previously Submitted Data / Resubmission Requests If previously submitted data are incorrect, Part C Organization should request the opportunity to correct and resubmit data.
PRO-ED may, from time to time modify and otherwise anonymize Submitted Data so that it constitutes De-Identified Information, as that term is defined in FERPA and HIPAA.
Correction of Previously Submitted Data / Resubmission RequestsCMS expects organizations to promptly correct all previously submitted data if it is later determined that the data were erroneous.
As between EIDR and User, the Submitted Data shall continue to be owned by User.
User will not attempt, either directly or indirectly, to delete or destroy any portions of its Submitted Data from the Registry (other than updating its Submitted Data for the specific purpose of maintaining its accuracy and completeness pursuant to User’s duties under Section 4 above).