Supplemental definition
Supplemental if additional work plans other than those set forth in II.A.1-4 are required to be prepared and implemented.
Supplemental. The Administration and Association may develop supplemental contracts for faculty to perform duties beyond those included in the expected activities of faculty. Such contracts shall be reviewed for approval by a three-member committee made up of one member appointed by the Xxxxxxx, one appointed by the Association President, and one member mutually selected by the two appointees. Approval is not required for supplemental payment funded from external sources or amounts less than $500.00. Faculty are free to decline supplemental contracts without prejudice.
Supplemental means any above building standard equipment or system, or any supplemental or stand alone equipment or system installed by or on behalf of Tenant or a former tenant serving the Premises; Supplemental shall specifically exclude the building-standard common area bathrooms. Tenant shall maintain a service contract with a licensed and bondable mechanical contractor approved by Landlord, with a scope of service acceptable to Landlord, for all of the HVAC equipment and systems Tenant is obligated to maintain hereunder, and shall provide a copy of the same to Landlord upon the execution thereof and any renewal thereof.
Examples of Supplemental in a sentence
Rather, they are Vendor Supplemental Information for marketing and informational purposes only.
The parties may sign any number of copies of this Supplemental Indenture.
Any TIPS Sale Supplemental Agreement containing an "Indemnity" clause that conflicts with these terms is rendered void and unenforceable.
All renewal terms incorporated into a TIPS Sale Supplemental Agreement shall only be valid and enforceable when Vendor received written confirmation of acceptance of the renewal term from the TIPS Member for the specific renewal term.
TIPS may permit Vendor to attach those to this Agreement to display to interested customers what terms may apply to their Supplemental Agreement with Vendor (if submitted by Vendor for that purpose).
More Definitions of Supplemental
Supplemental. DME that he may need. This means that Kaiser does not cover more than
Supplemental schedule means a schedule with current information as opposed to petition date information.
Supplemental means, however, is not quantified any- where, not even in the practical rules for CDM projects established in the autumn of 2001 at the 7th Climate Con- ference in Marrakech.
Supplemental. Multiple Choice & Free Response Questions in Preparation for the AP Computer Science A Examination" Xxxx Xxxxxx 10th Edition. 2021
Supplemental means some type of dehumidification equipment besides the house A/C system. These systems range in cost, quality, and function. A
Supplemental as a statistically significant difference (13%, p < 0.01) was found between negative 23 and solvent controls for mean dry weight. Furthermore, centrifugation was not used for the analysis 24 of the dissolved test exposure concentrations. Therefore, all reported measured concentration 25 values are total concentrations of dissolved and undissolved test substance (U.S. EPA/OPP 2010a). 26 As a result, toxicity values will underestimate risk (undissolved test material will not contribute to 27 toxicity; therefore, toxicity values based on dissolved substance only would be lower). 28 No chronic toxicity studies are available on indaziflam’s formulations or metabolites in freshwater 29 fish. Also, no chronic toxicity studies are available in estuarine/marine fish.