Surveillance equipment means an electronic surveillance device, hardware, or software that is capable of collecting, capturing, recording, retaining, processing, intercepting, analyzing, monitoring, or sharing audio, visual, digital, location, thermal, biometric, or similar information or communications specifically associated with, or capable of being associated with, any specific individual or group; or any system, device, or vehicle that is equipped with an electronic surveillance device, hardware, or software.
Surveillance equipment means equipment capable of capturing or recording data, including images, videos, photographs or audio operated by or at the direction of a City department that may deliberately or inadvertently capture activities of individuals on public or private property, regardless of whether "masking" or other technology might be used to obscure or prevent the equipment from capturing certain views. "Surveillance equipment" includes
Surveillance equipment means the equipment, technology and software specified in Annex II to the Council Regulation;
Examples of Surveillance equipment in a sentence
Surveillance equipment is to be used for building and student safety.
More Definitions of Surveillance equipment
Surveillance equipment means all the CCTV cameras and associated
Surveillance equipment means the equipment, technology and software listed in Annex III to the Council Regulation;”;
Surveillance equipment means all surveillance devices for the Resort Hotel and Casino as required by Nevada Gaming Authorities and applicable Nevada Gaming Laws and as is customary for the operation of a first-class hotel and casino on the Las Vegas strip.
Surveillance equipment means a system of technical facilities used by a surveillance agency or security authority to restrict the right to the confidentiality of messages;
Surveillance equipment means any closed circuit television cameras and any other video/image monitoring and recording equipment systems used to monitor and
Surveillance equipment means any closed circuit television cameras and any other video/image monitoring and recording equipment systems used to monitor and record public, and restricted areas of property owned or leased by the Town of Digby.
Surveillance equipment means closed circuit television (CCTV) cameras and any other system, camera, technology device, communications device or process, used along or in conjunction with a network, for purposes of gathering, monitoring, recording, or storing images of the City of Mission facilities and the people present at such facilities. Images