Suspending Official definition

Suspending Official means an agen- cy official who is authorized to impose suspension. The suspending official is either:
Suspending Official means the Sus- pending Official for DOE contracts is the Director, Office of Procurement and Assistance Management, DOE, or designee. The Suspending Official for NNSA contracts is the Director, Office of Acquisition and Supply Manage- ment, NNSA, or designee.[69 FR 75003, Dec. 15, 2004, as amended at 74FR 36362, July 22, 2009] Department of Energy 909.406–3 909.405 Effect of listing. (DOE cov- erage—paragraph (e), (f), (g) and (h))(e) The Department of Energy may not solicit offers from, award contracts to or consent to subcontract with con- tractors debarred, suspended or pro- posed for debarment unless the Deputy Assistant Secretary for Procurement and Assistance Management makes a written determination justifying that there is a compelling reason for such action in accordance with FAR 9.405(a).(f) DOE may disapprove or not con- sent to the selection (by a contractor) of an individual to serve as a principal investigator, as a project manager, in a position of responsibility for the ad- ministration of Federal funds, or in an- other key personnel position, if the in- dividual is on the GSA List.(g) DOE shall not conduct business with an agent or representative of a contractor if the agent’s or representa- tive’s name appears on the GSA List.(h) DOE shall review the GSA List before conducting a preaward survey or soliciting proposals, awarding con- tracts, renewing or otherwise extend- ing the duration of existing contracts, or approving or consenting to the award, extension, or renewal of sub- contracts.[61 FR 39857, July 31, 1996; 61 FR 41684, Aug.9, 1996]909.406 Debarment.909.406–2 Causes for debarment.(c) The Debarring Official may debar a contractor for any other cause of so serious or compelling a nature that it affects the present responsibility of a contractor. Such cause may include but is not limited to:(1) Commission of fraud or a criminal offense in connection with obtaining, attempting to obtain, or performing a private contract or subcontract.(2) Inexcusable, prolonged, or re- peated failure to pay a debt (including disallowed costs and overpayments) owed to DOE, provided the contractor has been notified of the determination of indebtedness, and further provided that the time for initiating any admin- istrative or legal action to oppose or appeal the determination of indebted- ness has expired or that such action, if initiated, has been concluded.
Suspending Official means the administrative head of procurement for the MTA or his or her designee. The Suspending Official is responsible for suspending a contractor with the concurrence of the Office of the General Counsel.

Examples of Suspending Official in a sentence

  • Lifting from near the floor (too low) or high above the floor (too high) is more stressful that lifting from 75cm above the floor.DM – Distance multiplier, based on the suggestion that as the vertical distance of lifting increases, physical stress increases.IIJJEERRTTAM – Asymmetric multiplier, torso (trunk) twisting is more harmful to the spine than symmetric lifting.

  • Following receipt of the findings of fact, the Suspending Official shall complete suspension proceedings and issue a written decision.

  • At any time during a period of de- barment, a respondent may submit to the Debarring or Suspending Official a written request for reconsideration of the scope, duration, or effects of the suspension/debarment action because of new information or changed cir- cumstances, as discussed at 48 CFR 9.406–4(c).

  • If the Suspending Official decides to terminate a suspension, the Sus- pending Official shall promptly send, by certified mail, return receipt re- quested, each affected respondent a copy of the final decision required under this section.[61 FR 39857, July 31, 1996; 61 FR 41684, Aug.9, 1996, as amended at 74 FR 36363, July 22,2009; 76 FR 7692, Feb.

  • In reviewing a request for reconsideration, the Debarring or Suspending Official may, in his or her discretion, utilize any of the procedures (meeting and fact-finding) set forth in 909.406-3 and 909.407-3.

More Definitions of Suspending Official

Suspending Official means the Sus- pending Official for DOE contracts is the Director, Office of Procurement and Assistance Management, DOE, or designee. The Suspending Official for NNSA contracts is the Director, Office of Acquisition and Supply Manage- ment, NNSA, or designee.[69 FR 75003, Dec. 15, 2004, as amended at 74FR 36362, July 22, 2009; 76 FR 7692, Feb. 11,2011] 909.405 Effect of listing.(e) The Department of Energy may not solicit offers from, award contracts to or consent to subcontracts with con- tractors debarred, suspended, or pro- posed for debarment unless the Senior Procurement Executive makes a writ- ten determination justifying that there is a compelling reason for such action in accordance with 48 CFR 9.405(a). For NNSA, the Head of the Contracting Ac- tivity (HCA) makes the written deter- mination justifying the compelling reason.(f) DOE or NNSA may disapprove or not consent to the selection (by a con- tractor) of an individual to serve as a principal investigator, as a project manager, in a position of responsibility for the administration of Federal funds, or in another key personnel po- sition, if the individual is listed in the Excluded Parties List System (EPLS).
Suspending Official. ’ means the Public Printer or the Public Printer’s designee.
Suspending Official means the Sus- pending Official for DOE contracts is the Director, Office of Procurement and Assistance Management, DOE, or designee. The Suspending Official for NNSA contracts is the Director, Office of Acquisition and Supply Manage- ment, NNSA, or designee. [69 FR 75003, Dec. 15, 2004, as amended at 74 FR 36362, July 22, 2009]
Suspending Official means the Public Printer or the Pub- lic Printer’s designee.
Suspending Official means an agency head or an official authorized by an agency head to impose suspension. The AID suspending official is the Associate Assistant to the Administrator for Management (M/ AAA/ SER).
Suspending Official means the Suspension and Debar- ment Official within the Office of the Chief Acquisition Officer.
Suspending Official means the DAS/GAPA.