Tariff Zone definition
Tariff Zone means the zone –
Tariff Zone means the areas of the Network as defined by postcode areas set out in the Tariff Postcode Schedule at https://www.australiangasnetworks.com.au/our- business/regulatory-information/tariffs-and-plans
Tariff Zone means the areas of the Network as defined by postcode areas set out in the Tariff Postcode Schedule at xxxxx://xxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxx.xx/our- business/regulatory-information/tariffs-and-plans ‘Term’, in relation to an Agreement, means the period on and from the Start Date of that Agreement up to, and including, the date on which the Agreement terminates in accordance with its terms. ‘Terms and Conditions’ see ‘General Terms and Conditions’.
More Definitions of Tariff Zone
Tariff Zone means the areas of the Network as defined by postcode areas set out in the Tariff Postcode Schedule at https://www.multinetgas.com.au/regulatory-information.
Tariff Zone means the areas of the Network as defined by postcode areas set out in the Tariff Postcode Schedule at xxxxx://xxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxx.xx/xxx- business/regulatory-information/tariffs-and-plans ‘Term’, in relation to an Agreement, means the period on and from the Start Date of that Agreement up to, and including, the date on which the Agreement terminates in accordance with its terms. ‘Terms and Conditions’ see ‘General Terms and Conditions’. ‘TJ’ means a terajoule, which is 1000 gigajoules. ‘Unaccounted for Gas’ or ‘UAFG’ means the difference between the quantity of gas received into a network and the quantity of Gas delivered out of a network, over a specified period of time. ‘Unplanned Interruption’ means an interruption of the supply of gas to the network to carry out unanticipated or unplanned maintenance or repairs in any case where there is an actual or apprehended threat to the safety, reliability or security of the supply of gas through the network, and includes: a an interruption in circumstances where, in the opinion of XXX, a customer’s installation or the Network poses an immediate threat of injury or material damage to any person, any property or the Network; or b an interruption in circumstances where: i there are health or safety reasons warranting an interruption; or ii an emergency warranting an interruption; or iii AGN is required to interrupt supply at the direction of a relevant authority; or c an interruption to shed demand for Gas because the total demand for Gas at the relevant time exceeds the total supply available; or d an interruption to restore supply to a Customer. ‘Unplanned SAIDI’ or ‘Unplanned System Average Interruption Duration Index’ means the average duration (in minutes) of unplanned service disruption on average across all customers per customer per year. ‘Upstream Operator’ means the operator of a transmission pipeline, a distribution network or another facility through which Gas is delivered to any Receipt Point.
Tariff Zone means the zone- (i) of a length of three hundred kilometers each along the route of the natural gas pipeline from the point of origin till the end point:
Tariff Zone means the Central Zone, the Northern Zone, the Murray Valley Zone, Cardinia Zone or the Bairnsdale Zone, as defined by postcode areas set out in the Tariff Postcode Schedule at http://www.envestra.com.au/our-business/regulation/tariffs/.
Tariff Zone means an area that incorporates parking spaces, parking places or parking bays that are subject to a Relevant Parking Charge.
Tariff Zone means the areas of the Network as defined by postcode areas set out in theTariff Postcode Schedule at http://www.envestra.com.au/our-business/regulation/tariffs/. ‘Term’, in relation to an Agreement, means the period on and from the Start Date of that Agreement up to, and including, the date on which the Agreement terminates in accordance with its terms. ‘TJ’ means a terajoule, which is 1000 gigajoules. ‘Unaccounted for Gas’ or ‘UAFG’ means the difference between the Quantity of Gas received into a network and the quantity of Gas delivered out of a network, over a specified period of time. ‘Unplanned Interruption’ means an interruption of the supply of Gas to the Network to carry out unanticipated or unplanned maintenance or repairs in any case where there is an actual or apprehended threat to the safety, reliability or security of the supply of Gas through the Network, and includes:
Tariff Zone means a geographical area in which a common Tariff is payable.